Annual Report 年報 2023-2024
Vision 願景 To be a leading liberal arts University in Asia for the world delivering academic excellence in a caring, creative and global culture. 成為一所領先亞洲、立足世界的博雅大學,並在 關愛、創意、國際化的氛圍中發揮學術卓越。 Mission 使命 Hong Kong Baptist University is committed to academic excellence in teaching, research and service, and to the development of the whole person in all these endeavours built upon the heritage of Christian higher education. 香港浸會大學在教學、研究及社會服務等範疇力臻 至善,秉承基督教高等教育的理念,推行全人教育。
Contents 目錄 02 Chairman’s Report 主席報告 06 President and Vice-Chancellor’s Message 校長獻辭 10 Impact of Giving 捐獻的力量 14 Achievements of the Foundation 基金成就 16 Foundation Milestones 基金發展里程 20 University’s Recent Developments 大學最新發展 26 Introduction to the Foundation 基金簡介 36 Membership Categories 會員類別 37 Membership Roll 會員芳名 53 In Memoriam 永遠懷念 56 Foundation Activities 基金活動 74 Financial Report 財務報告 76 Membership Privileges 會員權益及優惠 76 How to Give 捐資方法
2 To make the year 2024 even more pleasing, HKBU has scored notable triumphs in fields such as Chinese medicine, art technology and transdisciplinary education. For instance, HKBU students and alumni achieved an impressive tally at the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games by clinching three gold medals and one silver, fully demonstrating the Hong Kong spirit of never giving up. HKBU also performed creditably in globally influential university rankings, in several of which we attained the best levels in more than a decade. For example, in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2024, HKBU rose to the 101-200th band and ranked second globally for “SDG 4: Quality Education”, underscoring its commitment to providing inclusive and equitable education. Beyond doubt, these distinguished accomplishments are not only heartening but also important sources of encouragement to the whole HKBU community. 喜上加喜的是,年內大學捷報頻傳,在中醫 藥研發、藝術科技和跨學科教育方面都有 矚目的表現。例如,多位浸大學生及校友 運動員在今屆巴黎奧運會及殘奧會中,共奪 得三金一銀的驕人成績,盡顯「永不放棄」 的香港精神。此外,浸大在多個具影響力的 全球大學排名榜中,創下逾10年來的最佳 成績。在「2024年度泰晤士高等教育大學 影響力排名」中,浸大上升至101-200位, 在實現聯合國可持續發展目標的「優質 教育」一項中,更高踞全球第二位。得到 外界的肯定,反映浸大致力提供包容和公平 的優質教育,令大學上下鼓舞不已。 Chairman’s Report 主席報告 The year 2024 was a fruitful one for Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). It was also a special year, celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation (the Foundation). In addition to the array of celebratory events, a series of short videos were produced to showcase the Foundation’s achievements over the years. These included advancing HKBU’s strategic development, launching innovative initiatives, fostering exceptional research, and enriching teaching and learning as well as the community services that HKBU offers. The year 2024 was also an important milestone for HKBU – the 30th anniversary of HKBU achieving University status. Witnessing HKBU successfully transforming from a private college into a respected liberal arts university in three decades of solid progress, we could not be more excited and gratified. 2024年是香港浸會大學(浸大)喜迎豐收的一年。年內,香港浸會大學基金(基金)誌慶15周年,舉辦了連串慶祝活動, 並透過一系列回顧短片,展示基金在推進大學策略發展、推動前瞻性項目、促進卓越研究、豐富教與學及服務社會等多 方面取得的成果。此外,本年也是浸大正名為大學的30周年紀念。浸大自1994年邁過這個重要里程後,竿頭直上,由 昔日的私立學府,躍升為一所備受推崇的博雅大學,實在令人欣喜。
3 Chairman’s Report 主席報告 Enormous contributions from the Foundation Since its inception, the Foundation has shouldered the responsibility of promoting HKBU’s advancement, helping the University realise its vision by raising resources from a wide variety of sectors in society. The successes achieved by HKBU in the past year were indeed excellent gifts in celebration of the Foundation’s 15th anniversary. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to my visionary predecessors, who came to the astute decision to establishing the Foundation in 2009. They were sufficiently insightful to envision that this fundraising platform would be capable of securing the resources to meet the University’s needs, gathering efforts from compassionate individuals as well as institutional donors, and ensuring that their donations leave the optimum legacy. Fundraising performance reaches new heights I am pleased to report that the Foundation has succeeded in achieving remarkable results in its fundraising endeavours. Between 2009 and 31 December 2024, HKBU has secured a sum of nearly HK$5,219 million, comprising HK$3,407 million in donations, HK$993 million in matching grants and HK$819 million in pledges. By the end of December 2024, the membership of the Foundation has grown by 632% from 131 at its inception to 959, while the total number of donors has increased to 19,279. Serving as the University’s trustworthy financial bedrock, the Foundation has helped to enhance campus facilities, supported novel research, and provided valuable international learning opportunities, thereby strengthening HKBU’s capabilities and global status. In particular, from July 2023 to December 2024, the University received a number of hefty donations that not only benefit our teaching and research but also promote social progress: • HKBU received a mega gift from the Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation for the establishment of the Wu Jieh Yee Institute of Translational Chinese Medicine Research. Using cutting-edge technology applications and digitalisation, the Institute drives the standardisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine. An additional donation was also made to support the research development of the Shum Yiu Foon Shum Bik Chuen Memorial Centre for Cancer and Inflammation Research; • A HK$100-million donation from an anonymous benefactor was given to HKBU in support of its Chinese medicine clinical research and preparatory work as the contractor for the service deed to operate Hong Kong’s first Chinese Medicine Hospital; 基金成果纍纍 貢獻至鉅 基金成立以來,肩負推動大學發展的重任, 廣闢社會資源,襄助大學實現願景。浸大在 過去一年取得的種種成就,正是基金成立 15周年的最佳賀禮。在此,我衷心感謝基金 董事局的高瞻遠矚和真知灼見,於2009年 設立基金這一平台,旨在為大學籌集資源, 凝聚個人和機構的慈善力量,形成聚合 效應,讓捐款發揮最大的影響力。 籌款再創佳績 我很高興向大家匯報,基金再次錄得卓越 的籌募成績。由2009年成立至2024年12月 31日止,累積籌得的捐款近港幣52億 1,900萬元,當中包括港幣34億700萬元 捐款,港幣9億9,300萬元配對補助金, 以及港幣8億1,900萬元認捐。同期, 會員人數由成立時的131人遞增至959人, 增幅達632%;而捐款人總數亦增長至 19,279人。基金穩健的財政資源,實有助 優化及提升校園設施,推動創新研究,並 提供更多海外學習體驗機會,增強大學的 實力和國際地位。從2023年7月至2024年 12月底,大學喜獲多宗大額捐款,對教學 研究和促進社會進步都帶來莫大裨益,當中 包括: • 伍絜宜慈善基金慷慨捐贈,成立「伍絜宜 中醫藥轉化研究所」,旨在透過前沿科技 應用和數碼化,推動中醫藥的標準化和 國際化,另外,該基金亦捐資支持岑堯 岑碧泉紀念癌症炎症研究中心的研究 發展; • 一項達港幣億元的匿名捐贈,支持中醫 藥臨床研究,以及浸大獲委任承辦香港 首間中醫醫院服務契約的籌備工作;
4 • Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the “Jockey Club Traditional Chinese Medicine-driven Mental Wellness Project” has been launched. This three-year initiative is designed to improve the public’s sleep and mental wellness through Chinese medicine treatment; • KF KK Foundation Limited made a generous donation pledge in support of the Extended Study Programme in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), helping HKBU students in both Hong Kong and Zhuhai to participate in internships, exchanges and experiential learning activities in the GBA; • With the ardent support of the Hong Kong Panda Education Foundation, the University has been enabled to launch Chinese medicine research into breast cancer; • The family of Mr. Timothy Lam See Yiu, the youngest son of HKBU’s Founding President Dr. Lam Chi Fung, OBE, kindly supported the University’s advancement through the establishment of the “Dr. Lam Chi Fung Strategic Development Fund”; • A benevolent gift from Tin Ka Ping Foundation has helped HKBU to extend its service-learning programme and explore collaboration with community partners and other tertiary institutions; • Supported by Sino Group and the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation, the School of Chinese Medicine launched a community care programme to provide the underprivileged with free Chinese medicine services at the Sham Shui Po and Hung Hom Community Living Rooms; • The Tencent Charity Foundation offered a kind benefaction to establish the “Tencent for Good Scholarship”, which is awarded to students who have actively participated in community services, inspiring young people to undertake more charity work; • With the backing of China Resources Charitable Fund Limited, scholarships are to be awarded to students enrolled in the Master of Science in Corporate Governance and Compliance programme, seeking to encourage more young people to pursue a career in the professional services industry; • The Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation and the Fong’s Family Foundation have generously supported the School of Chinese Medicine in developing clinical guidelines for integrative Chinese-Western medicine for diabetes and conducting a pre-diabetes screening programme. • 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨捐助,推行 為期三年的「賽馬會杏林『心』間計劃」, 以中醫藥改善大眾睡眠及精神健康; • 王錦輝王國強基金會慷慨雅諾捐贈「大灣區 延伸學習計劃」,資助本地及珠海校園的 學生參與大灣區實習、交流和體驗; • 香港熊貓教育基金會慷慨捐資,支持中醫 藥乳癌研究的工作; • 本校創校校長林子豐博士,OBE之么子 林思耀先生家族慷慨捐資,成立「林子 豐博士策略發展基金」,支持大學的策略 發展; • 田家炳基金會慷慨捐資,拓展服務學習 計劃,積極探索與社區夥伴及高等院校的 合作; • 信和集團及黃廷方慈善基金慷慨捐款,助 中醫藥學院推出關愛社區計劃,在深水埗 和紅磡社區客廳為基層市民提供免費中醫 藥服務; • 騰訊公益慈善基金會慷慨捐款設立「騰訊 向善獎學金」,獎勵積極服務社會的學生, 啟發青年人參與公益事務; • 華潤慈善基金有限公司慷慨捐款,設立 獎學金予修讀公司管治與合規理學碩士 課程的學生,鼓勵更多青年投身專業服務 行業; • 方樹福堂基金及方潤華基金慷慨捐資, 支持中醫藥學院進行「糖尿病中西醫協作 臨床指引制定及早期糖尿病普查計劃」的 研究,造福病人。
5 Chairman’s Report 主席報告 Supporting HKBU via diverse means The Foundation has adopted over the past year the strategy of “bringing in, going out”. On the one hand, we invited community leaders who enthuse about the value of education to visit HKBU; on the other hand, we arranged visits for Foundation members to the UIC campus in Zhuhai to explore the depth of the University’s “One University, Two Campuses” strategy. We are genuinely grateful that all the kind benefactions by our donors go beyond mere monetary ones. In recent years, HKBU has received cutting-edge equipment and professional services from a variety of enterprises which have enabled its faculty to stay at the forefront of scientific research. In addition, many organisations have partnered with HKBU to launch social projects that cover areas not taken care of by our existing welfare system. In the upcoming year, the impact of our donors’ support will become more pronounced, as the University’s Jockey Club Campus of Creativity, sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, will open by phases. This novel, interactive and quality environment will assuredly help our faculty members create new fields of knowledge and assist our students in acquiring further advanced learning. Future development relies on continued support According to the HKSAR Government’s statistics, the total approved charitable donations allowed under profits and salaries tax amount to more than HK$14 billion every year, confirming that kind-hearted philanthropists are abundant in the city. Looking ahead, HKBU is going to kick off a number of large-scale programmes and construction projects. These range from conducting Chinese medicine clinical research, establishing a medical school, launching art-tech initiatives, fostering transdisciplinary education, and undertaking sports science research, to bolstering campus facilities. All these efforts demand immense financial support. By working closely together, the Foundation’s Board of Governors together with other committees will strive to build a comprehensive, efficient fundraising network that can secure stable resources for HKBU, ensuring that the University will play its full part in line with the 14th Five-Year Plan and thereby help create a brighter future. Dr. the Hon. Kennedy Y.H. Wong, BBS, JP Chairman, Board of Governors Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation December 2024 不同方式支持浸大 過去一年,基金積極實踐「引進來,走出去」 的策略,邀請熱心教育的社會賢達參觀浸大, 同時亦安排基金成員探訪珠海校園,深入 了解大學「一校兩園」的策略。我們很感恩 各界人士對基金的關愛,不囿於金錢。近來, 我們屢獲大企業慷慨捐贈尖端設備或專業 服務,協助推動前沿研究;亦有不少機構與 浸大合作推行社會項目,填補現有社會資源 未能惠及的地方。未來一年,捐款的成效將 更加彰顯,由賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助的 賽馬會創意校園將逐步啟用,師生將能在 嶄新互動的優質環境中求知求學。 未來發展亟需大家的支持 根據特區政府的數據,在利得稅和薪俸稅項 下獲扣除的認可慈善捐款,一年合共超過 港幣140億元,足證香港是名符其實的「慈善 之都」。而浸大未來將推進多項大型項目和 建設,例如中醫藥臨床研究、籌辦新醫學院、 探索藝術科技、推動跨學科教育、開展運動 科學研究及優化校園設施等,都亟需各界 的資金支持。為此,基金董事局及轄下各 委員會將繼續同心協力,致力建設一個全面 且有效的慈善網絡,確保籌募資源生生 不息,以推動浸大融入國家「十四五」規劃的 發展大局,共同創造更美好的未來。 黃英豪議員,BBS,JP 香港浸會大學基金 董事局主席 2024年12月
6 Advancing transdisciplinary education and research As the University advances into the second phase of its Institutional Strategic Plan 2018-2028, the notion of transdisciplinarity begins to take root in all its academic endeavours. In 2023-2024, we introduced a new research cluster, “Humanities and Cultures”. It reflects HKBU’s commitment to harnessing the strengths of diverse disciplines, from philosophy and sociology to communication and economics, to foster groundbreaking research. Together with our existing clusters in Creative Media/Practice, Health and Drug Discovery, and Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, HKBU is well positioned as an institution of global significance. 推動跨學科教育與研究 隨着大學踏入《策略發展計劃2018-2028》 第二階段,跨學科理念開始在不同層面的學 術活動中扎根。在2023至2024年度,我們 開拓了新的「人文及文化」研究領域,反映 浸大致力透過廣泛多元的學科優勢,從哲學 和社會學,以至傳理和經濟等不同領域, 促成具開創性的研究。加上原有的研究 領域,包括創意媒體、健康與藥物研發, 以及數據分析與人工智能應用,浸大已奠定 作為一所在國際上舉足輕重的大學的地位。 President and Vice-Chancellor‘s Message 校長獻辭 This year has been transformative for HKBU, as we continue to scale new heights in providing quality education, conducting impactful research and knowledge transfer, and promoting societal advancement. It has been a year marked by progress, achievements, and a reaffirmation of our commitment to nurturing future-shaping leaders while addressing global challenges. 今年是浸大經歷蛻變的一年。我們持續在提供優質教育、從事具影響力研究和知識轉移,以及推動社會進步方面 再攀高峰。浸大在年內於各方面均取得了長足的發展與成就,再次證明我們培養能塑造未來的領袖、回應全球挑戰 的承諾。
7 President and Vice-Chancellor’s Message 校長獻辭 The University established the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in July 2024, a pivotal step in fostering transdisciplinary education and research. By merging the academic excellence of the former Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Social Sciences, we are set to create a collaborative environment that expands the horizon of education, and ignites inspiring scholarly ideas and innovations. Hardware upgrades are also taking place to support our transdisciplinary direction. A notable example is the inauguration of the Life Science Imaging Centre equipped with advanced brain imaging facilities. The Centre serves as a nexus for transdisciplinary collaboration, and is poised to break traditional barriers for knowledge creation by applying technologies in humanities research. Nurturing future leaders and innovators Our emphasis on transdisciplinary education to nurture future-shaping students, who can take the lead to overcome global challenges, is also taking shape. As a vivid reflection of this, we were ranked 2nd globally in “Quality Education”, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals advocated by the United Nations, in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2024. Teaching and learning excellence at HKBU received profound recognition at the 2024 University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award. Each year, the UGC presents two individual and one team awards to outstanding teachers of the UGCfunded institutions. 2024 marks the first time for HKBU teachers to clinch both individual awards, and one teacher was represented in the team award. We firmly believe that broad contextual exposure, cross-cultural understanding, and far-reaching global insights are essential qualities of our future leaders. During the year, we kick-started the Greater Bay Area (GBA) Extended Study Programme as a flagship initiative to broaden the horizons of both local and non-local students, offering them exposure to the education and socio-economic outlook of the GBA where the world’s most vibrant transformations are taking place, as well as an invaluable opportunity to better understand and appreciate Chinese cultures. With the additional resources secured by the HKBU Foundation, more students can benefit from the programme. 大學在2024年7月成立「文學及社會科學 院」,作為推動跨學科教育及研究的重要一 步。我們將結合前文學院及社會科學院的卓 越學術成就,創造一個協作的環境,開拓教 育的前沿,激發學術意念與創新。 為支持跨學科發展方向,大學的硬件亦正在 不斷升級,成立生命科學成像中心便是當中 最佳的範例。該中心具備先進的腦部成像 設備,扮演大學跨學科合作的樞紐,通過將 科技應用於人文科學研究,打破一直以來 知識創造所存在的藩籬。 培育未來領袖與創新者 我們着重跨學科教育,以培育能塑造未來, 並有能力在應對全球挑戰上擔當領導角色的 學生。大學於「2024年度泰晤士高等教育 大學影響力排名」中,在聯合國可持續發展 目標的「優質教育」一項高踞全球第二位, 正好反映浸大在這方面的成果。浸大在教與 學方面的卓越成就亦透過獲得2024年大學 教育資助委員會(教資會)傑出教學獎而 得到充分的肯定。教資會每年均會向教資會 資助院校的傑出教學人員,頒發兩個個人 獎項,以及一個團隊獎項。今年是浸大學者 首次囊括兩個個人獎項,另一位則為團隊獎 勝出隊伍的成員。 我們堅信在實際情境中的廣泛歷練、跨文化 理解能力,以及深遠的環球洞察能力,是 未來領袖的關鍵素質。我們在年內推行 大灣區延伸學習計劃,成為讓本地及非本地 學生拓闊視野的旗艦項目,為他們提供寶貴 機會,了解大灣區作為全球蛻變得最為急速 的地區的教育和社會經濟前景,同時增進對 中華文化的理解與欣賞。此計劃亦有賴香港 浸會大學基金提供額外資源,讓更多學生 可以受惠。
8 Innovative educators at HKBU are also building on the solid foundation of the University’s existing transdisciplinary programmes to further enrich students’ transdisciplinary learning experience inside and outside their classrooms. Going forward, new programme offerings and curriculum reforms are in the pipeline, providing the momentum to establish HKBU as the leader in transdisciplinary education in Hong Kong and the region. Creating societal impact HKBU remains steadfast in its mission to create meaningful social impact. Based on its unique strengths and strategic priorities, the University leverages its four strategic research clusters as vehicles to drive impact and bring about social good. I am glad that our researchers are putting in uncompromised efforts in different fields, with impressive attainments particularly in certain focused areas covering Chinese medicine, art-tech, digital humanities and sports science. During the year, we witnessed the growing impact of our technology translation efforts. The University’s knowledge exchange and transfer activities like the “Journey to Excellence: HKBU in Paris” symposium organised at the OLY House in Paris during Paris Olympics 2024 and the inaugural FoodMed Conference; progress in technology translation such as receiving support from the Government’s Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus (RAISe+) Scheme for two HKBU projects; application of our expertise in Chinese medicine by developing a novel Chinese herbal drug which has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for clinical trial in the Mainland; and community events promoting the crossover of Chinese and Western cultures like the Annual Concert of the HKBU Symphony Orchestra demonstrated HKBU’s vigour in driving advancement in areas such as technology, culture, sports science and health. 浸大充滿創意的教育工作者,亦在大學現有 的跨學科課程基礎上,進一步豐富學生在 課堂內外的跨學科學習體驗。未來,我們將 推出更多新課程,並進行課程改革,以確立 浸大在香港以至亞洲區內跨學科教育的領導 地位。 對社會發揮積極影響 浸大繼續秉承為社會發揮積極影響的使命。 根據大學獨特的優勢及策略重點,大學藉着 四個策略研究領域發揮影響力,為社會帶來 福祉。我很高興看見研究人員在各個領域中 努力不懈,並在一些重點範疇,如中醫藥、 藝術科技、數字人文和體育科學等,取得了 矚目的成就。 在技術轉化方面,我們亦在今年看到日益 顯著的成果。大學的知識交流和轉移活動, 例如於2024巴黎奧運會期間在位於巴黎 的「奧林匹克之家」舉辦「邁向卓越:浸大 在巴黎」專題討論會,以及首屆「藥食同源 會議」;在技術轉化的成就,包括兩個轉化 研究項目獲政府「產學研1+計劃」(RAISe+ 計劃)資助;發揮中醫藥專長,研發新中藥 複方製劑,獲國家藥品監督管理局(藥監 局)批准在內地開展臨床試驗研究;以及 社區活動,如促進中外文化藝術交流的浸大 交響樂團周年音樂會,均顯示出浸大正着力 推動科技、文化、體育科學與健康等範疇的 發展。
9 President and Vice-Chancellor’s Message 校長獻辭 展望未來 在慶祝浸大正名為大學30周年及香港浸會 大學基金成立15周年之後,我們將迎來更 輝煌的新里程。隨着賽馬會創意校園分階段 落成啟用,我們在教研方面的實力將顯著 提升。此外,浸大獲選為服務契約承辦 機構的香港首間中醫醫院,將於2025年 起分階段投入服務,這將促進我們與本地、 內地及海外夥伴之間的合作,攜手打造臨床 服務、教學及培訓、科研,以及創造健康 價值的旗艦。我們不會固步自封之餘,將 更積極主動尋找發展機會,為整個社會作 更大貢獻。在此,我衷心感謝香港浸會大學 基金會員、各慈善夥伴的關愛,對推動本校 的策略發展不遺餘力。按照大學策略發展 計劃的藍圖,我們會繼續堅定不移,充當 浸大社群以至整個社會的後盾,一起締造 更美好的未來。 衞炳江 校長暨光子學講座教授 2024年12月 Ping-kong Alexander Wai President and Vice-Chancellor Chair Professor of Photonics December 2024 Looking ahead After celebrating 30 years of achieving university status and the 15th Anniversary of the HKBU Foundation, we have exciting, new milestones to look forward to. The phased launch of the Jockey Club Campus of Creativity will substantially strengthen our education and research capacity. The phased opening of Hong Kong’s first Chinese Medicine Hospital in 2025, with HKBU designated as the service deed contractor, will foster our collaboration with local, Mainland and overseas partners in constructing a flagship in clinical service, teaching and training, scientific research, and the creation of value for health. That being said, we will not stop where we are; we will proactively look for opportunities to grow further and make even more contributions to the community at large. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated members of the HKBU Foundation, as well as our philanthropic partners for their ardent support and commitment to the University’s strategic development over the years. Guided by our Institutional Strategic Plan, we remain resolute in supporting the HKBU community and society, as we strive for a promising future together.
10 Janelle Leung 梁雅蕾 BCM and BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science 中醫學學士及生物醫學(榮譽)學位課程 Awardee of the Talented Athletes Direct Admission Scheme (TADAS) 2023-2024 優才運動員入學計劃2023-2024得獎人 Thanks to the TADAS, I have had the opportunity while training with the Hong Kong fencing team to study the extensive and complex subject of Chinese medicine. This is a shining example of how HKBU offers flexible study and examination arrangements tailored to the unique needs of student athletes. The TADAS has enabled us to travel to join international competitions while also maintaining a hectic academic schedule. In future, I aim to achieve dual-track development whereby I can compete for Hong Kong’s honour as a fencing athlete while at the same time become a Chinese medicine practitioner. Thus, I can support the well-being of fellow athletes while also contributing positively to the local sports community. 透過優才運動員入學計劃,我能夠攻讀博大精深的中醫學,同時兼顧香港 劍擊隊的訓練。浸大根據運動員學生的需要,提供富彈性的學習及考試 安排,讓我們得以在緊湊的學業日程中,到各地參與國際比賽。展望未來, 我將致力「雙軌發展」,一是以劍擊選手的身分,為港爭光;二是成為中 醫師,助運動員保健,貢獻本地體育界。 Impact of Giving 捐獻的力量 Professor Lyu Aiping 呂愛平教授 Vice-President (Research and Development) cum Dean of Graduate School and Dr. Kennedy Y.H. Wong Endowed Professor in Chinese Medicine, HKBU 香港浸會大學副校長(研究及拓展)暨研究院院長及黃英豪博士中醫藥教授 HKBU is committed to advancing Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology centre, reflected in our four key research clusters: Creative Media/ Practice, Health and Drug Discovery, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, and Humanities and Cultures. In the inaugural Times Higher Education Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025, HKBU secured the 55th position globally. We ranked 1st in Hong Kong and 11th in Greater China for the proportion of Interinstitutional Collaborative Publications (CWTS Leiden Ranking 2024). Additionally, our top scholarly output, cited by policy, was ranked 5th in Hong Kong (2019-2024), highlighting our research impact on policymaking. These achievements have been bolstered by philanthropic donations and the University Grants Committee’s Research Matching Grant Scheme. Together, they have strengthened our research capabilities, driving technological innovation and transdisciplinary research. 浸大致力推動本港成為國際創新科技中心,這彰顯於我們「創意媒體」、「健康與藥 物研發」、「數據分析與人工智能應用」及「人文及文化」四大重點研究領域。 浸大於2025年度首屆泰晤士高等教育(THE)跨學科科學排名位列全球第55位;於跨 機構合作出版比例方面位居全港第一,在大中華區亦名列第11(2024年CWTS萊頓 大學排名)。此外,我們的頂尖學術成果總數在全港排名第五(2019-2024),有關 成果更獲政策引用,突顯了本校研究對政策制定具影響力。 這些成就,實有賴慈善捐贈與大學教育資助委員會的「研究配對補助金計劃」相輔 相成,讓本校得以加強研究實力,推動創新技術及跨學科研究的發展。
11 Impact of Giving 捐獻的力量 Joaquin Cadenas BBA (Hons) – Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation Concentration 工商管理學士(榮譽)– 創業及創新學專修 Awardee of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Scholarship 2023-2024 中銀香港獎學金2023-2024得獎人 One of the biggest blessings in my final year at HKBU has been the award of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Scholarship. This recognition of my endeavours both inside and outside the classroom significantly boosted my confidence. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I was provided through this Scholarship with essential funding for my project – which is to develop a sustainable clothing brand that collaborates with Southeast Asian artisans and communities. Rare opportunities like this have enabled me to deepen my connections with diverse groups and grow as a leader and an individual. I am immensely grateful for the donor’s generous support. 獲得中銀香港獎學金,是我在浸大就讀最後一年的一大幸事。它肯定了我在 學業及課外活動上的努力,大大加強了我的自信。作為一個有志創業的學生, 獎學金為我的項目提供了重要的資金。我現時與東南亞工藝師及族群協作, 推出可持續發展服飾品牌,此等機會讓我能夠加深與不同群體的聯繫,提升 領導能力並達致個人成長。捐贈人的慷慨支持,實在讓我感激不已。 Dr. Albert Chau 周偉立博士 Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), HKBU 香港浸會大學副校長(教與學) As part of the “One University, Two Campuses” strategy, HKBU has introduced the Extended Study Programme (ESP) in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). HKBU and UIC students may study for one semester or one academic year and join various learning activities at the other campus. In 2023-2024, 95 students joined the ESP. In addition, all international students have the opportunity to join a three-day immersive tour to the GBA. They will stay in the UIC campus, attend cultural workshops and a High Table Dinner, and visit heritage sites and companies in the GBA. In 2023-2024, the tour has attracted 380 students from 52 countries/regions. The ESP and immersive tour are made possible with the generous backing of the University’s supporters. Participants have provided very positive feedback. The experience has deepened their understanding of the Mainland’s history, culture and latest development; while also helping them to build networks that could open doors for them in their future careers. 配合「一校兩園」策略,浸大在大灣區推出「延伸學習計劃」。浸大和北京師範大 學—香港浸會大學聯合國際學院(UIC)的學生可於另一校園修讀一個學期或一學 年,以及參與多項體驗學習活動。在2023-2024年度,共有95名學生參與延伸學習 計劃。 此外,所有國際學生都有機會參與為期三天的沉浸式大灣區考察團。他們入住 UIC校園,參加文化工作坊和高桌晚宴,並參觀大灣區的歷史名勝和企業。 2023-2024年度,考察團吸引了來自52個國家/地區的380名學生參與。 延伸學習計劃和沉浸式考察團得以成功舉辦,有賴大學支持者的慷慨贊助。參與者 均給予非常正面的評價,認為是次體驗加深了他們對內地歷史、文化和最新發展的 了解,同時亦有助他們建立人脈網絡,為未來事業發展創造更多機遇。
12 Luka Turmanidze BSc (Hons) in Computer Science 計算機科學理學士(榮譽)學位課程 Awardee of the Belt and Road Scholarship 2023-2024 一帶一路獎學金2023-2024得獎人 I am wholeheartedly grateful to the Belt and Road Scholarship for granting me the opportunity to further my education in Hong Kong, where I can immerse myself in a culture vastly different from that of my homeland, Georgia. This Scholarship has lightened my financial burdens, enabling me to focus on my studies at an esteemed institution that is at the forefront of computer science. The opportunities available at HKBU are unmatched anywhere else. I am eager to take advantage of these experiences to develop my expertise as a machine learning specialist and software engineer, paving the way for a bright future in the technology sector. 我衷心感謝「一帶一路獎學金」讓我有機會在香港留學,體驗跟我的家鄉 格魯吉亞截然不同的文化。這筆獎學金減輕了我的經濟負擔,使我能夠在一 所站在計算機科學前沿的高等學府專注學習。浸大提供的機會是其他地方 無法比擬的。誠盼我能從中積累成為機器學習 專家和軟件工程師所需的專業知識,日後在科技 界闖出一片天。 Ms. Christine O.W. Chow 鄒靄雲女士 Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary, HKBU 香港浸會大學行政副校長暨秘書長 The HKBU Jockey Club Campus of Creativity (JC3) welcomed its first residents to the Village CARE (Creative Arena for Residential Education) in August 2024, with additional facilities set to launch in phases by the end of 2025. This innovative landmark integrates teaching, learning, student accommodation, and co-creation spaces, redefining the multifaceted educational journey. At the heart of the JC3 is a large-scale activity centre equipped with cutting-edge facilities and technologies for creative disciplines such as music, film, television and video games. This dynamic environment nurtures creativity and fosters transdisciplinary learning, empowering students to push the imaginative boundaries. In the dormitories, students will immerse themselves in a vibrant campus life, forming connections with peers from around the globe. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and our philanthropic partners whose generous support has brought this vision to life, providing our students and colleagues with the resources and space they need to unlock their full potential. 浸大賽馬會創意校園於2024年開放,其中的CARE舍堂村於8月迎來首批 宿生,其餘設施則會於2025年底逐步啟用。作為浸大的全新地標,新校園集 教學、住宿與共創空間於一身,為師生帶來全新的教學體驗。 校園內配備先進科技和設施,為音樂、影視及電子遊戲等創意領域提供理想的 發展空間,全面推動創意及跨學科交流,讓師生盡情發揮想像。而在宿舍內, 學生可以與來自世界各地的同學互動交流,共譜多姿多彩的校園生活。 我們衷心感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金及各慈善夥伴的慷慨支持,讓大學能為 一眾師生提供各種資源和空間,助他們實現抱負,盡展所長。
13 Impact of Giving 捐獻的力量 Ko Ka Yi 高嘉怡 BSocSc (Hons) in Global and China Studies 全球和中國研究社會科學學士(榮譽)學位課程 Awardee of the Shun Hing Group Scholarship 2023-2024 信興集團獎學金2023-2024得獎人 I am truly honoured to have received the Shun Hing Group Scholarship. During a time in my final year of study, when I was feeling uncertain about my future path, this generous gift gave me a tremendous lift and fortified my resolve to forge ahead in academia. Moving forward, I will focus on studying China’s approach to addressing social challenges such as energy crises and environmental issues posed by globalisation. I aspire to unearth new insights and solutions that will serve as a catalyst for positive changes in environmental conservation and ultimately contribute to the betterment of society. 非常榮幸能夠獲得信興集團獎學金。在我最後一個學年為未來出路感到迷茫 之際,這份慷慨的捐贈給了我極大的鼓舞,也更加堅定了我在學術道路上 繼續發展的想法。未來,我將專注研究中國如何應對全球化所帶來的能源 危機和環境污染等社會問題,期望能從中找到嶄新的思路和對策,以推動 積極的環境保護變革,回饋社會。 Professor Terence L.T. Lau 劉樂庭教授 Interim Chief Innovation Officer and Director of the Wu Jieh Yee Institute of Translational Chinese Medicine Research, HKBU 香港浸會大學暫任首席創新總監及伍絜宜中醫藥轉化研究所總監 Thanks to the generous donation from the Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation, the Wu Jieh Yee Institute of Translational Chinese Medicine Research has been established at the Hong Kong Science Park to drive the standardisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine. The Institute is dedicated to advancing smart Chinese medicine by leveraging innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis and prescriptions, as well as personalised medical management systems. It is equipped with cutting-edge equipment to foster impactful and innovative translational research that yields practical benefits for society. Furthermore, the Institute will actively explore opportunities for interdisciplinary and cross-industry collaborations between Guangdong and Hong Kong, with the goal of positioning Hong Kong as a modern and international hub for Chinese medicine and enhancing the global status of this important discipline. 承蒙伍絜宜慈善基金會的慷慨捐款,浸大在香港科學園成立了伍絜宜中醫藥 轉化研究所,推動中醫藥的標準化和國際化。研究所利用創新科技例如人工 智能的診斷和處方、個人化的醫療管理系統,致力拓展智慧中醫;又配備尖 端設備,以開展別具影響力的創新轉化研究,創造可實際應用的科研成果, 造福社會大眾。 另外,研究所亦會積極發掘粵港兩地之間的跨學科和跨行業協作機遇,促進 香港成為現代化的國際中醫藥樞紐,提升中醫藥的國際地位。
14 Achievements of the Foundation 基金成就 632% Membership Growth 會員增長 131 2009 959 2024 From 2009 to 31 December 2024, the University has successfully secured HK$5,219 million, comprising HK$3,407 million in donations, HK$993 million in matching grants and HK$819 million in pledges. 由2009年至2024年12月31日,累積籌得港幣52億1,900萬元,當中包括港幣34億700萬元 捐款、港幣9億9,300萬元配對補助金及港幣8億1,900萬元認捐。 HK$5,219million Total Donations 捐款總額港幣52億1,900萬元 19,279 Total No. of Donors 捐款人總數
15 Achievements of the Foundation 基金成就 Art-Tech Initiatives 藝術科技項目 Student Scholarships and Bursaries 學生獎學金及助學金 Research Projects 科研項目 Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Preparatory Work for the Operation of Hong Kong’s First-ever Chinese Medicine Hospital 中醫藥臨床研究及營運香港首間中醫醫院的籌備工作 Campus Development 校園拓展 Community Service 社會服務 Internationalisation and Student Exchange 校園國際化及學生交流 Extended Study Programme in the Greater Bay Area 大灣區延伸學習計劃 Purposes of Donations 捐款用途 Strategic Development 大學策略發展 Transdisciplinary Education 跨學科教育
16 Foundation Milestones 基金發展里程 Since its inception, the Foundation has empowered HKBU to fulfil its educational and academic missions. Every contribution received has been channelled into supporting the University’s forward-looking and impactful initiatives across various areas. Here, let us take a look at some of the major milestones that the Foundation has witnessed and made possible over the past 15 years. 自成立以來,基金一直致力襄助浸大履行 其教育及學術使命,所籌得款項均用於支持 大學推行各種具前瞻性及影響力的項目。 在此,讓我們一起回顧基金15年來所見證及 促成的重要里程。 The HKBU Foundation was established, with the Entrepreneur Committee and the Alumni Committee incorporated under its Board of Governors. 香港浸會大學基金成立,基金董事局轄 下設有企業家委員會及校友委員會。 Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery opened. 顧明均展覽廳開幕。 The Cheung On Tak International Award for Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Medicine was set up. 張安德中醫藥國際貢獻獎 成立。 The “Institute of Creativity – Dr. Hung Hin Shiu Development Fund” and the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen SinoHumanitas Institute was set up. 「創意研究院─孔憲紹博士發 展基金」及孫少文伉儷人文中 國研究所成立。 2009 2010 2011 2012 HKBU HK Island Wei Ke Qiang Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic opened. 香港浸會大學港島魏克強中醫專科 診所開幕。 The Mr. and Mrs. Lau Chor Tak Lodge for Distinguished Scholars, the Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Sports and Cultural Centre and the Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium were inaugurated. 劉佐德伉儷匯賢居、郭鍾寶芬女士康體 文娛中心及曾陳式如會堂啟用。
17 HKBU’s Diamond Jubilee. 浸大鑽禧校慶。 The Law Sau Fai Institute for Advancing Translational Medicine in Bone & Joint Diseases was founded. 羅守輝骨與關節疾病轉化醫學研究所成立。 The First-Generation University Student Fund was set up. 大學成立「第一代大學生 基金」。 The Foundation held its first Inauguration Ceremony of Endowed Professorships. 基金舉行首個冠名教授就職典禮。 The HKBU Foundation celebrated its 5th anniversary. 香港浸會大學基金誌慶五周年。 The Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology was founded. 饒宗頤國學院成立。 The first “Jockey Club CLAP” Initiative was launched. 首個「賽馬會鼓掌」計劃啟動。 The Albert and Mabel Chan Exchange Scholarship was set up. 「陳新滋伉儷交流獎學金」成立。 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 The “Tan Siu Lin Foundation Perpetual Fund for Free Chinese Medicine Consultation Day” was incepted. 「陳守仁基金會贈醫施藥 義診日永久基金」成立。 The HKBU-Jockey Club Chinese Medicine Disease Prevention and Health Management Centre commenced operation. 香港浸會大學─賽馬會中醫疾病預 防與健康管理中心投入服務。 The Young Entrepreneur Committee was incepted under the Foundation. 基金成立青年企業家委員會。 Foundation Milestones 基金發展里程
18 The naming ceremony of the Jockey Club Campus of Creativity was held. 大學舉行「賽馬會創意校園」命名典禮。 The Communication and Visual Arts Building was named the “Lee Shau Kee Communication and Visual Arts Building”. 傳理視藝大樓命名為「李兆基傳理視 藝樓」。 The Foundation hosted a fundraising dinner for the University’s Institutional Strategic Plan 2018-2028. 基金為大學「策略發展計劃2018-2028」舉辦籌款晚宴。 Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation Ltd., the Lo Siu Tong family and Dr. Stanley Yim Yuk Lun, SBS, BBS, JP contributed mega gifts for HKBU’s strategic development. 孔憲紹慈善基金、羅肇唐家族及嚴玉麟博士,SBS,BBS,JP 鼎力支持大學的策略發展。 2019 2020 2021 Professor Raymond R. Wong, SBS, set up the Dorothy Shen Wong Memorial Fund to promote the strategic development and journalism education of the School of Communication. 黃應士教授,SBS成立「黃沈慧珍紀念 基金」,推動傳理學院的策略發展及新 聞教育。 The Chan Hon Yin Couple Charity Trust and the Wu Yee Sun Charitable Foundation rendered tremendous support for HKBU’s clinical research in Chinese medicine. 陳漢賢伉儷慈善信託基 金、伍宜孫慈善基金會等 機構大力支持本校的中醫 藥臨床研究工作。
19 The 3rd Global University Film Awards was held to recognise young film talent from across the world. 第三屆全球大學電影獎嘉許 世界各地的電影人才。 The Wu Jieh Yee Institute of Translational Chinese Medicine Research was founded. 伍絜宜中醫藥轉化研究所成立。 Tin Ka Ping Foundation supported the launch of the Character and Ethics Development Scheme for Students. 田家炳基金會支持大學設立 「青年品格培育計劃」。 During the fifth surge of COVID-19, the Tencent Charity Foundation donated to HKBU’s antiepidemic initiatives such as the establishment of the HKBU Chinese Medicine Team Against COVID-19. 騰訊公益慈善基金會於第五波新冠疫情期間資助浸大 的抗疫行動,成立「浸大中醫抗疫醫療隊」。 2022 2023 2024 The Jockey Club STEM Lab of Chem Probes was established. 賽馬會化學探針創科實驗室成立。 The 20th anniversary of the HKBU Golf Day. 浸大高球日成立20周年。 Mrs. Virginia Yim, MH and various donors funded the newly launched Extended Study Programme@GBA. 大學推出「大灣區延伸學習計劃」,獲嚴 徐玉珊院士,MH等捐贈人支持。 The Vincent V.C. Woo Chinese Medicine Clinical Research Institute was founded. 吳文政中醫藥臨床研究所成立。 Foundation Milestones 基金發展里程
University’s Recent Developments 大學最新發展
21 University’s Recent Developments 大學最新發展 HKBU offers a flexible curriculum structure that suits both present and future needs. From the 2025-2026 academic year, a new transdisciplinary undergraduate programme, namely the Bachelor of Arts and Science (Hons) in Digital Futures and Humanities, and additional Transdisciplinary Second Majors will be introduced. Furthermore, transdisciplinary students have ample opportunities for international exposure. For example, a study tour to Sydney was held last year to explore the environmental issues of the Hawkesbury River. 為提供靈活的課程結構以迎合當前及未來需要,浸大於 2025-2026學年開始推出全新的跨學科本科課程「數位未來 與人文學科文理學士(榮譽)」及新設的跨學科第二主修。 跨學科課程學生有充裕機會到海外學習,如去年前往悉尼探 討霍克斯伯里河的環境議題。 Quality Teaching and Learning 優質教與學 HKBU’s fine record of teaching and learning excellence won extensive recognition at the 2024 University Grants Committee Teaching Award. Dr. Kristen Li, Lecturer of the Department of Computer Science, earned the award in the General Faculty Members category; Ms. Anna Qin, Assistant Professor of the Academy of Visual Arts, was awarded in the Early Career Faculty Members category; and Dr. Theresa Kwong, Director of the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, garnered the award in the Collaborative Teams category as a member of the Holistic Competency and Virtues Education (HAVE) Team. This marked the first time that HKBU has teachers clinching both individual awards and the team award. 浸大在教與學方面的卓越成就於2024年大學教育資助委員會 「傑出教學獎」獲明確且充分的肯定。三位獲獎的浸大教學 人員分別為於「一般教學人員組別」獲獎的計算機科學系 講師李原曦博士;於「新晉教學人員組別」獲獎的視覺藝 術院助理教授秦萊茵女士;以及於「協作團隊組別」獲獎的 全人教育教與學中心總監、「全能有情教育」(HAVE)團隊 成員鄺福寧博士。今年是浸大學者首次囊括兩個個人獎項及 團體獎項。 During a study tour in Zhuhai organised by the Division of Transdisciplinary Undergraduate Programmes and sponsored by Tin Ka Ping Foundation, 140 HKBU students and 40 students from the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College created videos promoting urban sustainability. In line with the “One University, Two Campuses” concept, the tour encouraged participants to establish transdisciplinary solutions for a sustainable urban space through collaboration. 浸大跨學科本科課程部獲田家炳基金會贊助舉辦珠海學習 之旅,140名浸大學生與40名北師港浸大學生合作,共同 製作用以推廣城市可持續發展的影片。該學習之旅配合「一校 兩園」的理念,鼓勵學生進行協作,提出能創造可持續城市 空間的跨學科解決方案。 To showcase HKBU students’ innovation in disability inclusion, the Career Centre of the Office of Student Affairs organised the first StartMe Up Project for Inclusion. The four winning teams, some with members of SEN students, were awarded start-up funds and paired with professional business mentors to help them establish clear project development directions for their innovative solutions. 浸大學生事務處事業策劃中心創辦StartMe Up共融創業 比賽,以展示學生的傷健共融創業概念。四個得獎隊伍的部 分成員有特殊教育需要,他們贏得啟動基金並獲專業商業導 師指導,以為其創新方案制定清晰的發展方向。