Shun Hing Group presents exclusive performance of “Road to Damascus”

23 September 2021
 Photo credit: Hong Kong Repertory Theatre

Sponsored by the Shun Hing Group, an exclusive performance of the “Road to Damascus” was held at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre on 23 September 2021. Dr. David Mong, Chairman and CEO of the Group, invited a number of Foundation members and HKBU representatives to join the occasion. They were Ms. Eileen L. Tsui, BBS, JP, Member of the Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation; Professor Calvin Tse, Member of the Young Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation; Dr. Clement Chen, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Council and the Court, and Mrs. Della Chen; Ms. Rosanna Choi, Treasurer of the Council and the Court; and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation.