
The Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation is committed to:

  • further enhancing the concept of endowment to the University;
  • broadening the University's support base and strengthening relationships with donors;
  • formulating strategies to strengthen the fundraising capabilities of the University.

Use of Funds

As set out in its Institutional Strategic Plan 2018-2028, the University strives to offer the best student experience, promote research excellence and build capacity in human capital and campus facilities. Our vision is to be a leading, research-led, liberal arts University in Asia for the world, delivering academic excellence in a caring, creative and global culture. Serving as the University’s solid financial bedrock in support of its ongoing advancement, the Foundation allocates donations in accordance with the donors’ wishes to support the following major types of initiatives. They are:

Teaching and Learning
  • To improve teaching and learning quality for the further enhancement of our provision of Whole Person Education and to provide best value-addedness to HKBU students through an excellent teaching and learning environment.
Academic Research
  • To promote a research culture that sharpens research performance and to establish a critical mass of research talent for the promotion of interdisciplinary research.
Campus Development
  • To upgrade the campus facilities to create superlative teaching, research and learning environments that stimulate creativity in all fields.
Student Scholarships/Bursaries
  • To provide scholarships and bursaries to finance the studies of students and to offer them overseas exchange opportunities to widen their horizons.
  • To promote an enhanced international environment on campus and to welcome world-renowned scholars to the University for fruitful and enlightening academic exchange.
Community Service
  • To take the leading role in serving community needs with HKBU's strengths and to integrate research outputs into community service through effective knowledge transfer activities.

Reasons for Giving

Hong Kong Baptist University is one of the publicly funded local tertiary institutions. However, government subventions account for only part of the University's income. We therefore require substantial private funding to sustain the University's development in all spheres. Donations are an important source of additional income and are vital for the institutional advancement of HKBU.
HKBU is currently at the peak stage of development, requiring enormous financial support. In order to address the evolving needs arising from the construction of the Jockey Club Campus of Creativity, the recruitment of talents from around the world, the establishment of the six interdisciplinary research laboratories, the operation of Hong Kong’s first Chinese Medicine Hospital, and the redevelopment of Ho Sin Hang Campus, the University requires additional funding resources in the coming years.
Appointed by the University's Council, in conjunction with the President and Vice-Chancellor, the Board of Governors is responsible for the management of the Foundation to ensure that it consistently supports the University's advancement projects. The Board of Governors comprises community leaders and professionals who are devoted to education. The Board will convene meetings at regular intervals to offer advice on the formulation of fundraising strategies and the extension of the University's support base, and to monitor the operations and financial status of the Foundation.
The funds raised through the Foundation are managed and invested by the University administration. Financial reports will be provided to the Board of Governors by the Director of Finance. The Foundation always abides by the principle of financial prudence to ensure stable investment income for the University and a healthy financial position of the Foundation funds.
Hong Kong Baptist University is deeply grateful to all donors for their generous support to the University and is committed to treating donors and prospective donors with the highest level of care, respect, honesty and openness. The Donor Charter provides an assurance to our donors in relation to the integrity, accountability and transparency of the University's fundraising activities.
Hong Kong Baptist University is one of the approved charitable institutions exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Donors can claim tax deduction for the approved charitable donations of HK$100 or more up to 35% of the assessable income or profits, as the case may be, in the basis period of a year of assessment. For details, please refer to the website of the Inland Revenue Department.