Messages from Office-Bearers and Ex-Officio Members

Professor Justin K.H. Chiu
Board of Governors, HKBU Foundation
As citizens of Hong Kong, we all share a responsibility to give back to our community by taking concrete actions. Philanthropy is inextricably linked to societal progress and plays a crucial role in advancing higher education. As our local universities become increasingly internationalised due to globalisation, donations can help HKBU to recruit more world-class scholars, enhance its academic exchanges, and broaden the horizons of young people, thereby inspiring them to become leaders in their own right. As the saying goes, “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.” I sincerely hope that ever-more supporters will join us in together creating these opportunities for our students and collectively fostering the long-term development of HKBU.

Dr. Ronald Lu
Board of Governors, HKBU Foundation
Since its founding, my family has been an unwavering supporter of HKBU and its advocacy of Whole Person Education. HKBU, building on its rich Christian heritage, places a high value on the cultivation of students’ character. It constantly encourages students to recognise that they are an essential part of society, that they are duty-bound to care for the communities and people around them and should embrace the civic responsibilities involved in maintaining social harmony. In today’s rapidly changing environment, we often see divisions and even polarisation developing. Therefore, future leaders need more than ever to possess a compassionate heart, seeking to find common ground while respecting differences, in order to bridge the gaps that divide people. This vital educational mission deserves our universal support.

Mr. Kevin C.K. Liem
Board of Governors, HKBU Foundation and
The Council and the Court, HKBU
Amid the current global economic uncertainties, fundraising has become a formidable challenge for the University. Fortunately, thanks to the magnificent support of our donors, HKBU has succeeded in navigating these difficulties and maintaining financial stability. Looking forward, we are committed to sustaining a balanced mix of diverse income streams to support the University’s far-reaching educational and research missions. We shall also actively explore new revenue sources in order to optimise our operational efficiencies, enhance our investment capacities and strengthen our fundraising efforts. These approaches will foster the sustainable development of the University, enabling us to tackle the multiple challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Ms. Connie W.C. Wong
Entrepreneur Committee, HKBU Foundation
Mainland China has seen dramatic economic development in recent years and is now universally recognised as possessing world-class infrastructure and an impressive array of innovative technologies. I very much encourage young people to go personally to the Mainland to join exchange programmes and internships so that they can witness for themselves the profound developments and impressive changes that the Nation has undergone. They can also benefit from learning about the Mainland’s workplace culture as well as the economic and social transformation that is now fully in place. The HKBU Foundation will continue to provide opportunities for all students to engage in service learning on the Mainland, the goal being to enable them to be at the forefront of those seizing the opportunities available and thereby gaining for themselves a competitive edge.

Dr. Stanley Yim, SBS, BBS, JP
Entrepreneur Committee, HKBU Foundation
With the rapid development of technology and the resulting fast-moving changes in market demand, we need to cultivate more talents who are capable of creating new value. To drive advancements in research and development, collaborations among government, industry, academia and the research sector have the potential to foster greater synergy. These help to transform the outputs of research into viable commercial products, making a positive impact on individuals and communities, and improving general living standards.

Professor Sunny H.K. Wong
Alumni Committee, HKBU Foundation
Since its founding in 1956, HKBU has been proud to nurture more than 160,000 graduates, many of whom have become highly successful professionals who have enhanced the University’s esteemed reputation through their achievements both in Hong Kong and internationally. Our graduates also actively give back to their alma mater by providing scholarships and internships for current students, as well as supporting a variety of institutional initiatives. HKBU’s alumni are spread throughout the globe. Notably, the growing alumni network in Mainland China will benefit our students in seeking new opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. I earnestly hope that our alumni will continue to nourish our spirit of caring and exemplify solidarity and mutual support, proactively injecting new impetus into the development of the University.

Dr. Chloe Suen
Young Entrepreneur Committee, HKBU Foundation
The arts, cultural and creative industries constitute an integral part of Hong Kong’s future development. The HKSAR Government and a variety of community sectors are working diligently to consolidate Hong Kong’s position as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange. In recent years, HKBU has strived to harness advanced technology to help students bring their innovative ideas to fruition and seize new opportunities in film, music and the visual arts. In this regard, the Young Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation is pleased to mobilise resources and connections to establish HKBU as a hub for creative and artistic minds, nurturing young talents that embody both nationalism and a global perspective, and promoting the quintessence of Chinese culture.

Mr. Ivan S.K. Wong, JP
Young Entrepreneur Committee, HKBU Foundation
This academic year, HKBU has launched the Extended Study Programme in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), reflecting its “One University, Two Campuses” strategy. This programme allows students from the Hong Kong campus to exchange with those at the Beijing Normal University-HKBU United International College in Zhuhai. As a result, they can immerse themselves in the local culture, enrich their educational journeys, gain a deeper understanding of national development trends while also exploring the vast opportunities offered in the GBA. The Young Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation will continue to assist the University in strengthening its ties with external partners, offering unique learning experiences that inspire students to become patriotic and positive-minded leaders for tomorrow.

Ms. Christine O.W. Chow Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary, HKBU
HKBU is proud to have been selected in 2021 as the contractor for the service deed of Hong Kong’s first Chinese Medicine Hospital (CMH). This recognition highlights our dedication to advancing the field of Chinese medicine and also marks a significant step into the future. Expected to commence services in phases by late 2025, the CMH will integrate traditional Chinese medical wisdom with modern scientific advancements while cultivating strong partnerships with local and international authorities, academics, and professional bodies. By prioritising medical services, training, education, research, and health promotion, the CMH is poised to establish itself as a flagship institution for Chinese medicine in Hong Kong, leading the way in its standardisation and internationalisation while enhancing the global impact and recognition of Chinese medicine.

Mrs. Lily W.L. Chan
Director of University Advancement
Secretary-General of Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation
Time flies. The HKBU Foundation has stood staunchly by HKBU through thick and thin for 15 remarkable years. Throughout this journey, the Foundation has been unwavering in its mission to secure funds and expand resources, facilitating the University’s quest for innovation and breakthrough advances while championing HKBU’s core mission of whole person education. I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the members and friends of the Foundation and the University for their selfless and invaluable contributions. Their generous support has empowered HKBU to further enhance its teaching and research capabilities, grooming future leaders and creating far-reaching benefits for the community at large.