Second Meeting of Young Entrepreneur Committee 2021-23 of HKBU Foundation
The Second Meeting of the Young Entrepreneur Committee 2021-23 of the HKBU Foundation was held online on 8 October 2021. Ms. Chloe Suen, Co-Chairman of the Committee, welcomed Professor Chung Pak Kwong to join the Young Entrepreneur Committee in the capacity of Acting Director of Student Affairs.
At the meeting, Professor Alexander Wai, President and Vice-Chancellor, and Ms. Christine Chow, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary, shared with members HKBU’s preparatory work for the operation of Hong Kong’s first Chinese Medicine Hospital (CMH). Members expressed their heartfelt congratulations to HKBU on its successful bid to become the operator of Hong Kong’s first CMH and were highly confident that HKBU will take Chinese Medicine education, research and services to new heights and CMH will play a key role as the “flagship” of Chinese Medicine. Members also exchanged their views on the strategies to extend the University’s support base and to promote entrepreneurship, internship, mentorship, experiential learning and scholarship programmes.