4th Inauguration Ceremony of Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation

10 December 2021

The Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation hosted its 4th Inauguration Ceremony of its Board of Directors at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong on 10 December 2021. A number of members of the Court and the HKBU Foundation were appointed as board members. Mr. Henry Tong, MH, JP, Honorary Court Member of HKBU, was appointed as Executive Vice Chairman. Mrs. Susan So, SBS, Member of the Board of Governors and Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation, was appointed as Honorary Permanent President; Mr. Hung Kwong Yee, Dr. Charlie Ip and Mr. Lam Cheung Chuen, Members of the Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation, were appointed as Vice Chairman, Director and Consultant respectively; Mr. Gabi Lam, Member of the Young Entrepreneur Committee of the HKBU Foundation, was also appointed as Director.

Mrs. Christy Tung, JP, Chairlady of the Foundation, invited hundreds of dignitaries and honourable guests including Mr. He Jing, Deputy Director of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, and The Hon. Andrew Leung, GBS, JP, President of the Legislative Council. Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation, attended the ceremony on behalf of the University.