Second Meeting of HKBU 65th Anniversary.ASHWORTH Golf Day 2021 Organising Committee
The “HKBU 65th Anniversary.ASHWORTH Golf Day 2021”, held on 29 October 2021 at the Eden Course of The Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling, was a great success. The event raised a total of HK$2.3 million for the University’s strategic development, particularly the six interdisciplinary research laboratories, Project SEED (Student Engagement, Enrichment and Development), as well as the provision of scholarships for needy students to pursue further studies or participate in overseas exchange activities.
Presided by the Co-Chairman Dr. Ronald Lu, the Organising Committee held its second meeting on 21 January 2022 to review the event and to plan for the next Golf Day. Being a major fundraising and fellowship event of HKBU, the annual Golf Day aims to raise funds for the HKBU Foundation in support of the University’s institutional advancement. It also provides a valuable opportunity for HKBU supporters, staff and alumni to meet old friends and make new acquaintances whilst golfing in a delightful and relaxing setting. In the past 18 years, the HKBU Golf Day has raised more than HK$22.5 million in total. Please stay tuned for more details about the forthcoming Golf Day, which will be announced soon.