Tin Ka Ping Foundation supports HKBU Chinese Writers’ Workshop
With the support of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation, the Chinese Writers’ Workshop (CCW) organised by the Faculty of Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) will hold its second "Chinese Writers-in-Residence Programme" and the "Hong Kong Writers-in-Residence Programme" from 7 March to 7 April, inviting two non-local writers and one local writer to participate in various events as guest writers, including the "Writers' Reading and Conversation", individual talks and writing workshops.
The three Writers-in-Residence include Malaysian-Chinese novelist Ms. Ho Sok Fong, mainland Chinese novelist Mr. Lu Nei, and Hong Kong poet Mr. Keith Liu. Ms. Ho has been hailed by renowned writer Mr. Ng Kim Chew as "the most mature Malaysian-Chinese female novelist", while Mr. Lu had won critical acclaim and was billed as "one of the best 70s novelists in China". Mr. Keith Liu, who has a flair for “reflecting on the nature of life from triviality”, writes with a sense of social concern.
"We are immensely grateful to the Tin Ka Ping Foundation for its generous support. We must also acknowledge the gracious and supportive way in which the Foundation has collaborated with us to define the vision for our CWW. I expect the CWW to play a very significant role in developing the talent of creative writers in Hong Kong, the region, and across the world. I also believe the CWW will encourage young people in Hong Kong to value creative writing, possibly even as an especially meaningful life path," said Professor Mette Hjort, the Dean of Arts at HKBU.
As the pandemic continues, the two programmes will be held online via Zoom. All events are free and open to the public. For details, please visit the website of the HKBU Faculty of Arts and the Facebook page of the CWW.