Hong Kong Baptist University Inauguration Ceremony of Endowed Professorships 2022

04 August 2022
 Chairman Clement Chen presided over the Ceremony
 Welcoming address by President Alexander Wai
 Interim Provost Prof. Rick Wong delivered the citations of the Endowed Professors
 Chairman Clement Chen and Dr. Jacinto Tong (right)  
 Prof. Gary Wong received the certificate of appointment
 Mr. Mongkolchai Mavichien (left) and Prof. Ken Yung
 Prof. Raymond R. Wong (left) and Prof. Chan King Cheung
 Donors and HKBU representatives posed for a group photo
 Prof. Yung and representatives of Ma Pak Leung Co., Ltd. posed for a photo
 Prof. Chan and Prof. Raymond R. Wong posed for a photo

The University held the Inauguration Ceremony of Endowed Professorships on 4 August 2022 to confer Endowed Professorship titles on three distinguished scholars and acknowledge the tremendous support of their respective donors.

The three Endowed Professors are (in alphabetical order of discipline):

(i)        Dr. Mok Man Hung Endowed Professor in Chemistry
            (Endowed by Various Donors)
            Professor Gary Wong Ka Leung

(ii)        Ma Pak Leung Endowed Professor in Innovative Neuromedicine
            (Endowed by Ma Pak Leung Co., Ltd.)
            Professor Ken Yung Kin Lam

(iii)       Raymond R. Wong Endowed Professor in Media Ethics
            (Endowed by Professor Raymond R. Wong, SBS)
            Professor Chan King Cheung, BBS

Officiated by Dr. Clement Chen, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Council and the Court, and Professor Alexander Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor, the ceremony was held in hybrid mode and was well attended by University members and guests. To express our gratitude to the respective donors, the University presented a souvenir plaque to each donor, including Dr. Jacinto Tong, representative of the donors of Dr. Mok Man Hung Endowed Professor in Chemistry; Mr. Mongkolchai Mavichien, Director of Ma Pak Leung Co. Ltd.; as well as Professor Raymond R. Wong, SBS. The three Endowed Professors were presented with certificates of appointment.

In his welcome address, Professor Wai expressed his deepest gratitude to the enormous support of the donors who shared the same vision and enthusiasm as HKBU. He said, “The University has in recent years strived to extend the frontiers of knowledge, especially through the development of interdisciplinary research and integrating creativity with innovative technology. The objective of Endowed Professorships Scheme is to attract global top talents and to honour distinguished scholars. Thanks to the efforts of our colleagues, the University has performed outstandingly over the years, winning an array of the world’s top honours and patents, and making great strides in our groundbreaking research and deepening our internationalisation.”

Established in 2006, the Endowed Professorships Scheme provides remarkable opportunities for visionary donors to partner with the University in advancing ground-breaking research and academic excellence in their chosen disciplines for the betterment of humankind. To honour the establishment of each Endowed Professorship, the University presented to each donor a specially made commemorative Ming Dynasty style chair as a token of our appreciation and a remembrance of their partnership with the University.

More details of the Ceremony:

A commemorative chair crafted in the style of the Ming Dynasty is specially made and presented to our benefactors. Above the University’s emblem engraved on the chair’s back splat, a customised plaque bearing the name of the Endowed Professorship is mounted, making each commemorative chair in itself a unique artwork.