Architect Dr. Ronald Lu shared his memories on HKBU’s heritage

26 September 2022

HKBU is planning for the redevelopment of Ho Sin Hang Campus, with a view to building a brand-new image for this 50-year old campus. The redevelopment will involve the demolitions of part of the existing buildings and the construction of a new academic complex, so as to create a more conducive learning environment for teaching and research. 

To restore and record the history of HKBU, Dr. Ronald Lu, Founder and Chairman of Ronald Lu & Partners, met with Ms. Carolin Fong, former Director of Estates Office, recently for an interview talking about Ho Sin Hang Campus. Dr. Lu was responsible for the design and interior fitout of the Academic Community Hall. He has spared no efforts in developing the interior design of the University Chapel. During the interview, he shared his memories on Ho Sin Hang Campus from the architect’s perspective. After the interview, a luncheon was hosted by Dr. Lu, at which three representatives of Ronald Lu & Partners, including Mr. Bryant Lu, JP, Vice-Chairman; Mr. Anthony Cheung, Director; and Mr. Alfred Woo, Director and Head of Studio; as well as Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation had also attended. 

Dr. Lu, being the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors and Honorary President of the HKBU Foundation, is a long-standing supporter of HKBU, who has provided his invaluable professional expertise in the planning and campus development of the University.