Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute launches new book

Organised by Chung Hwa Book and co-organised by the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute (SHI) of HKBU and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, a book launch for These Beauteous Forms: Poems Written on Hong Kong Hiking Trails was held on 14 February 2023. The Chinese poetry anthology was co-authored by three professors of literature, namely, Professor Zhang Hongsheng, Director of SHI; Professor Zhang Longxi, Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation at the City University of Hong Kong; and Professor Zhang Jian, Vice-Chair in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The three authors were invited to interact and share the beauty of classical poetry with readers. Other distinguished guests included Professor Chang Hsin Kang, GBS, JP, FREng, President-Emeritus of the City University of Hong Kong; renowned scholar Professor Cheng Pei Kai; Mr. Victor Wang Qiang, Co-Founder of the ZhenFund and the New Oriental Education & Technology Group; and Mr. Fu Weizhong, Chairman of Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Limited.
SHI was established in 2011 with the generous support of the Simon Suen Foundation, Honorary Permanent President of the HKBU Foundation. It strives to promote Sinological scholarship and traditional Chinese culture by connecting renowned scholars around the world through a variety of academic activities.