HKBU scholars launch new book with Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund’s support
With the generous donation of the Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund, Honorary Permanent President of the HKBU Foundation, a new book (浸大中醫醫案系列6:壼天擷英) co-edited by Professor Lyu Aiping, Dean of Chinese Medicine; and Professor Bian Zhaoxiang, MH, Associate Vice-President (Chinese Medicine Development) and Director of the Clinical Division of the School of Chinese Medicine, has been launched.
Being the latest volume of the book series, it recorded some Chinese medicine clinical cases in different areas such as the four diagnostic methods and prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine. Medical cases studies are crucial to the inheritance of knowledge and nurturing talent for Chinese medicine.
The Kwok Chung Bo Fun Charitable Fund has been a long-standing supporter of HKBU. Over the years, it has made donations to support a variety of initiatives of the University. These include, among others, the establishment of the Kwok Yat Wai Endowed Professorship in Environmental and Biological Analysis, the Mr. Kwok Yat Wai and Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Graduate School Development Fund, The Faith‧Hope‧Love Endowment Fund, as well as student exchange programmes and campus enhancement projects.