First Meeting of HKBU · ASHWORTH Golf Day 2023-HKBU Golf Day 20th Anniversary Charity Cup Organising Committee

21 April 2023
 (Front row from left) Mrs. Lily Chan, Prof. William Leung, Dr. Ronald Lu,
Mr. So Wing Kin and Mr. Nelson Lam
(Back row from left) Mr. Eric Ng, Mr. Jason Mok and Dr. Melanie Lee

The University will organise its 20th anniversary golf day event, “HKBU · ASHWORTH Golf Day 2023-HKBU Golf Day 20th Anniversary Charity Cup”, on the Eden Course at The Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling on 1 December this year. The event will be presented by the Chan Yin Chuen Memorial Charitable Foundation in the name of the clothing brand ASHWORTH as Title Sponsor for the fourth consecutive year. ASHWORTH will be the event’s golf shirts sponsor again. Presided by its Co-Chairman Dr. Ronald Lu, the first meeting of the Organising Committee was held on 21 April 2023 to discuss the fundraising strategies, promotional channels and preparatory work for the event. Dr. Lu extended his warm welcome to two newly joined committee members, Mr. Jason Mok and Mr. Eric Ng.

The event aims to raise funds for the HKBU Foundation in support of the University's strategic development, particularly the newly launched Extended Study Programme in the Greater Bay Area. Details of the Golf Day will be announced in due course. Please stay tuned.