Fourth Meeting of Entrepreneur Committee 2021-23 of HKBU Foundation

Prof. Alexander Wai, Prof. Nagar Lai, Dr. Liu Hong Fai and Ms. Connie Wong
(Back row from left) Mrs. Lily Chan, Mr. Simon Yim, Mr. Jimmy Liu and Mr. Roger Ngan
The Fourth Meeting of the Entrepreneur Committee 2021-23 of the HKBU Foundation was held on 28 April 2023 in a hybrid mode to discuss strategies to extend the University’s support base and to raise funds for its development.
At the meeting, Professor Alexander Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor, shared with members the University’s latest developments such as strengthening the collaborations with the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College on teaching, research and experiential learning opportunities for students. Dr. Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and Acting Dean of Arts, gave a presentation on the Extended Study Programme in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and he expressed that the funding support for the Programme will enable more students to engage in the experiential learning activities in the GBA. Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation, welcomed the newly joined member Ms. Christine Chow, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary. She also updated the work progress of the Committee and invited members to introduce friends to render their support to the University.