Visit by Delegation of United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia

A delegation comprising 24 members from the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (United Board), led by Dr. Christian Murck, Chair of its Board of Trustees, and Dr. Pareena Lawrence, President of the United Board, paid a visit to the University on 12 June 2023. Other members of the delegation included Mr. Ricky Cheng, Executive Vice President, its Board of Trustees, as well as staff and consultants of the United Board.
Professor Alexander Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor, extended his warm welcome to members of the United Board who came from various regions in Asia and introduced to them the University’s latest strategic developments. Dr. Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and Acting Dean of Arts, shared with the delegation the University’s transdisciplinary research and service-learning programmes during the pandemic and its initiatives to nurture future-ready talent. Presentations on the collaborative projects supported by the United Board at HKBU were made, followed by a sharing session to exchange views and explore the feasibility of future collaborations.
Other attending HKBU representatives included Ms. Christine Chow, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary; Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation; Rev. Hung Tse, Chaplain; Dr. Theresa Kwong, Director of the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning; Dr. Martin Chung, Assistant Professor of the Department of Government and International Studies; Dr. Janice Pan, Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of Arts; Ms. Yvonne Lee, Director of International Office and Dr. Lisa Lam, Director of the Centre for Innovative Service-Learning.
The delegation then visited the Visualization Research Centre, the newly established HKBU’s facility, featuring the world’s first 360-degree immersive LED Visualization Cinema and the 180-degree iDome Cinema. The guests were showcased a pioneering cinematic experience for the future.
As a long-standing partner of HKBU, the United Board has made generous donations in support of an array of initiatives of the University since 1972, including projects related to whole person development, research, conferences and campus ministries. These meaningful initiatives enable the University to adopt Christian values and nurture students to be caring and responsible citizens in the world.