In Memoriam: Ms. Helen Wang

10 June 2023

The HKBU Foundation records with deepest sorrow the passing of Ms. Helen Wang, Honorary President of the HKBU Foundation and Founder of The Rock House Publishers, Ltd., on 9 June 2023. She was 92 years old.

As a devout Christian, Ms. Wang always served the Lord at all her might. Since joining The Rock House Publishers in the 1970s, she served the ministry actively and preached the gospel through literature.

Ms Wang’s beloved husband, the late Professor Timothy Yu, was the Founding Head of the Department of Communication at the then Hong Kong Baptist College (currently the School of Communication at HKBU). He contributed tremendously to HKBU’s communication education and nurtured generations of professional communication talent over the years. To commemorate Professor Yu’s significant contributions to the University, Ms. Wang generously donated HK$1 million in 2015 and HK$400,000 in 2019 respectively, designated for the establishment of the Timothy Yu Communication Education Fund in support of the long-term development of the School, in particular for enhancing its teaching and research capacity.  

The Foundation coveys its heartfelt condolences to Ms. Wang’s family at this time of bereavement. She will always be remembered for her zealous support for the University.