Members of HKBU community attend charity drama performance “Border Town”
Being the premiere of the Greater Bay Area tour, the HKBU Century Club (the Club) organised a charity drama performance, “Border Town”, on 21 October 2023 at the HKBU Academic Community Hall to enhance students’ understanding and interest in contemporary novels and raise funds for the University.
The drama performance was staged by the HKBU Alumni Theatre (HKBUAT), attracting a number of audience including 500 secondary students sponsored by the “Secondary School Students Appreciation Plan”. Proceeds of the show will be donated to the HKBU Century Club Fund to support the Extended Study Programme in Greater Bay Area (GBA), enabling more HKBU students to participate in internships and other experiential learning activities in the GBA. Members of the Foundation sponsored the performance including two diamond sponsors, Mr. Wong Nga Chung and Mr. Herman Lau.
The show was well attended by a number of representatives from the HKSAR Education Bureau and Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, as well as members of the University community and the HKBU Foundation. They included Dr. Daniel Tse, GBS, CBE, OBE, JP, Professor Albert Chan, JP and Professor Roland Chin, BBS, JP, Presidents Emeritus; Ir Paul Poon, MH, Deputy Chairman, and Ms. Rosanna Choi, Treasurer of the Council and the Court; Professor Martin Wong, Provost; Ms. Christine Chow, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary; Professor Sunny Wong, Chairman of the Alumni Committee; Professor William Leung, GBS, JP, Member of the Board of Governors; Professor Nagar Lai, Member of Entrepreneur Committee; Professor Lo Ming Tung, and Dr. Poon Po Chiu. Head and Lecturer respectively of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature; Professor Michael Bray, Programme Director of Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) in Acting for Global Screen; Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement of HKBU and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation; and Dr. Melanie Lee, Director of Alumni Affairs.