Mrs. Susan So inspects Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Passing-out Parade
02 February 2024
Hong Kong Auxiliary Police (Tsuen Wan) held the passing-out parade at the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Headquarters on 2 February 2024, with Mrs. Susan So, SBS, Member of the Board of Governors of the HKBU Foundation as the Reviewing Officer.
Several HKBU Foundation members joined the occasion, including Dr. Elizabeth Law, BBS, MH; Mrs. Mary Suen; Mr. Lam Cheung Chuen; Mr. Lee Yuk Fat, MH, FPVCB(Hon); Ms. Linda So; Ms. Carmen Yim; Professor Alice Chiu, BBS, JP; Dr. Maggie Ko; and Dr. Peggy Lam, GBS, OBE, JP. Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation, attended the event on behalf of the University.