HKBU Foundation thanks supporters at 15th Anniversary Celebration Thanksgiving Reception

28 February 2024
 (From left) Dr. Clement Chen, Dr. Kennedy Wong, and Prof. Alex Wai officiate at the Thanksgiving Reception to thank the supporters
 Prof. Alex Wai delivers his welcoming address
 Chairman Kennedy Wong expresses his deepest gratitude to the members of the HKBU Foundation for their ardent support
   Foundation Certificates are presented to the new Honorary Permanent Presidents and Honorary Presidents
Guests officiating at the 15th Anniversary celebration ceremony of the HKBU Foundation
Participants celebrate the 15th Anniversary of HKBU Foundation together
HKBU students perform at the Reception

Guests officiating at the 15th Anniversary celebration ceremony of the HKBU Foundation

The Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Foundation held a Thanksgiving Reception on 28 February 2024 to mark its 15th Anniversary and express its heartfelt appreciation to members of the Foundation and its Board of Governors, as well as friends and supporters of the University for their unwavering support.

In his welcoming address, Professor Alex Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU, shared the University’s remarkable achievements and latest developments in the past year. He highlighted the announcement made by the Board of Directors of the HKBU Chinese Medicine Hospital Company Limited last month, regarding the appointment of Professor Bian Zhaoxiang, MH, from HKBU’s School of Chinese Medicine as the Hospital Chief Executive. The Hospital, set to commence its service in 2025, is expected to realise its roles as the “flagship” and “change driver” of Chinese medicine, promoting the standardisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine. For Art-tech development, the “Future Cinema Systems: Next-Generation Art Technologies” project was also commended for its success in obtaining a funding of HK$35.4 million from the Innovation and Technology Support Programme under the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government, the largest approved amount ever allocated to an art-tech project by the Programme. With the impending completion of the Jockey Club Campus of Creativity this year, the University’s teaching and research infrastructure will be further enhanced, providing students with the best learning experience.

He also expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the members of the Foundation’s Board of Governors, Entrepreneur Committee, Young Entrepreneur Committee and Alumni Committee, as well as all supporters for their tremendous contributions to the University’s strategic development over the years.

Speaking at the Reception, Dr. the Hon. Kennedy Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Foundation, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the community for their ardent support of the sustainable development of HKBU. He remarked on the Foundation’s steady growth since its inception in 2009, noting that its membership has increased from the initial 131 to the current count of 930 members, and with donations totalling HK$4.86 billion, providing a solid financial foundation for the University’s ongoing development.

During the event, Dr. Clement Chen, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Council and the Court of HKBU, Dr. Kennedy Wong, and Professor Alex Wai presented certificates to the new Honorary Permanent Presidents, Honorary Presidents, Honorary Vice-Presidents, Honorary Directors and Directors of the Foundation, to express the University’s recognition of their generosity.

Other guests attending the event included Ir Professor Paul Poon, MH, Deputy Chairman, and Mr. Kevin Liem, Treasurer of the Council and the Court; Dr. Ronald Lu, Vice-Chairman of the Foundation; Dr. Stanley Yim, BBS, JP, Co-Chairman of the Entrepreneur Committee; Mr. Ivan Wong, JP, Co-Chairman of the Young Entrepreneur Committee; Professor Sunny Wong, Chairman of the Alumni Committee; and Mr. Billy Hung, Professor William Leung, GBS, JP, Mrs. Mary Suen and Mr. Norman Wu, members of the Board of Governors, and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of HKBU Foundation, as well as Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents, Deans and Heads of HKBU.