Young Entrepreneur Committee 2024-26 of HKBU Foundation holds first meeting

24 May 2024
 (Front row from left) Dr. Albert Chau, Mr. Kevin Liem, Mr. Ivan Wong, Prof. Alex Wai, Dr. Chloe Suen,
Ms. Christina Lee, Ms. Christine Chow and Mrs. Lily Chan; (Back row from left) Prof. Henry Fock,
Mr. Harry Chai, Mr. Stephen Chua, Mr. Felix Lio, Mr. Kevin Orr, Ms. Portia Chow, Ms. Jacqueline Tong,
Ms. Candy Ngan, Mr. Eric Chow, Mr. Isaac Liu, Ms. Nancy Hung and Dr. Glos Ho

The Young Entrepreneur Committee (YEC) 2024-26 of the HKBU Foundation held its first meeting in hybrid mode on 24 May 2024 to discuss strategies for extending the University’s social network.

At the meeting, Mr. Ivan Wong, JP, Co-Chairman of the YEC, welcomed the newly joined members, including Mr. Kevin Liem, Treasurer of the Council and the Court of HKBU and Treasurer of the HKBU Foundation; and Ms. Nancy Hung, Executive Director, Ten Pao Group Holdings Limited. Professor Alex Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor, shared with members the recent achievements and new initiatives of the University, highlighting the achievements of our staff and students. The convenors and representatives of various Special Task Forces under the YEC, including those on “Entrepreneurship, Internships, Mentorship”, “Experiential Learning”, and “Scholarships” also provided updates on their work progress at the meeting.

Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation, also briefed the YEC about the recent contributions of the Committee and highlighted the series of events in celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the HKBU Foundation. 

 (From left, top to bottom) The Hon. Kenneth Leung and Ms. Justina Chiu join the meeting online