HKBU Academy of Music hosts lunch for Mr. Wong Nga Chung

10 January 2025

The Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Academy of Music hosted a lunch for Mr. Wong Nga Chung, President of Nakagawa Electronics Limited, on 10 January 2025, to celebrate the success of the 2nd NC Wong Young Composers Award. Launched in 2021 thanks to Mr. Wong’s generous donation, this biennial accolade supports HKBU in cultivating creative musical talent for the benefit of the world. 

Mr. Wong was joined by his daughter Miss Gillian Wong, along with Dr. Mui Kwong Chiu, Chairman of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild; Ms. Angel Cheng, Founder of the Build a Music School; Miss Li La, the Academy of Music’s Artist in Residence 2025; and student Konstantions Koutroumpis, winner of the 2nd NC Wong Young Composers Award.  

HKBU representatives in attendance included Professor Johnny Poon, Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research) cum Founding Dean of Creative Arts; Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Chair Professor of the Academy of Visual Arts and Director of the Visualization Research Centre; Dr. Eugene Birman, Acting Director of the Academy of Music; Professor Harrison Ho, member of the Alumni Committee of the HKBU Foundation; and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation.

A lively exchange ensued between the guests and HKBU representatives regarding the University’s latest strategic developments and its creative arts initiatives.