HKBU Foundation recognises supporters at Thanksgiving Reception

25 February 2025
 Dr. Kennedy Wong (right) and Prof. Alex Wai (left) attend the Thanksgiving Reception to thank the University’s supporters
 Prof. Alex Wai delivers his welcoming address
 Chairman Kennedy Wong expresses his deepest gratitude to the Foundation members for their staunch support
 Guests officiating at the thanksgiving ceremony  
 Foundation Certificates are presented to the new Honorary Permanent President, Honorary President and Honorary Vice-Presidents
 Mr. Lau Pak Shing, new Honorary Permanent President of the Foundation, takes photo with the officiating guests 

 Participants celebrate the 16th anniversary of the HKBU Foundation

 HKBU students perform at the Reception

The Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation (the Foundation) held a Thanksgiving Reception on 25 February 2025 to celebrate its 16th anniversary and express its heartfelt gratitude to the Board of Governors and members of the Foundation, as well as friends and supporters for their steadfast support of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). 

In his welcoming address, Professor Alex Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU, shared the University’s recent achievements. He said that HKBU achieved unprecedented milestones in the Planning Exercise Proposal for the 2025-2028 Triennium submitted to the University Grants Committee (UGC), including the highest overall score across three assessment areas and the largest proportion of increase in the first-year-first-degree intake places among UGC-funded universities.  

He also said that HKBU ranked 2nd globally and 1st in Hong Kong in the category of “Quality Education” under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024. The University also received recognition in all three award categories of the 2024 UGC Teaching Award and secured funding from the HKSAR Government’s Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus (RAISe+) Scheme for two translational research projects. With the Jockey Club Campus of Creativity and The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong set to open this year, HKBU’s teaching and research capabilities are poised for significant enhancement. 

Professor Wai thanked the members of the Foundation’s Board of Governors, Entrepreneur Committee, Young Entrepreneur Committee and Alumni Committee, as well as the supporters for their tremendous contributions to the University’s strategic development over the years. 

Speaking at the Reception, Dr. the Hon. Kennedy Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Foundation and Chairman of the Council and the Court of HKBU, expressed his gratitude to the community for their ardent support of HKBU's sustainable development. He highlighted the Foundation’s steady growth since its inception in 2009, noting that its membership has increased from an initial 131 to the current 961 members, with cumulative donations exceeding HK$5.21 billion. These benefactions provide a solid financial foundation for the University to forge ahead with its development. 

Dr. Wong added that the Foundation received substantial donations over the past year in support of multiple significant initiatives. These include the establishment of the Wu Jieh Yee Institute of Translational Chinese Medicine Research, the Jockey Club Traditional Chinese Medicine-driven Mental Wellness Project, the Community Care Chinese Medicine Service Programme and the Dr. Lam Chi Fung Strategic Development Fund. All these initiatives have made a profound impact on advancing teaching, research and societal development.  

During the event, Dr. Wong and Professor Wai presented certificates to the new Honorary Permanent President, Honorary President, Honorary Vice-Presidents, Honorary Directors and Directors of the Foundation, expressing the University’s recognition of their generosity. 

The event was well attended by about 150 guests, including members of the Council, the Foundation’s Board of Governors and members, as well as friends and staff of HKBU. Among them were Mr. Kevin Liem, Treasurer of the Foundation and Treasurer of the Council and the Court of HKBU; Dr. Ronald Lu, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Foundation; Mr. Ivan Wong, JP, Co-Chairman of the Young Entrepreneur Committee; Professor Sunny Wong, Chairman of the Alumni Committee; and Mr. Billy Hung, Mr. Raymond Kwok, Professor William Leung, GBS, JP and Mr. Norman Wu, members of the Board of Governors; Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of HKBU Foundation, as well as Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents, Deans and Heads.