Visit by Hong Kong New Youth Energy Think Tank

Prof. Edward Snape introduced the School of Business to the guests

A delegation of 17 members from the Hong Kong New Youth Energy Think Tank (NYETT), led by its Chairman Mr. Edmond Lee, MH and President Miss Chloe Suen, paid a visit to the University on 1 March 2016.
Mr. Andy Lee, Acting President and Vice-Chancellor, extended his gratitude to members of NYETT for taking time out from their busy schedules to visit the University. The delegation was briefed on the latest developments of the University. Mr. Lee hoped that members could gain a better understanding of HKBU, and opportunities for future collaboration and exchange could be enhanced.
In her speech, Miss Chloe Suen shared the aspirations and the work of NYETT. Founded in 2014, NYETT aims to foster the youth development in Hong Kong and recognises the important role of tertiary education in nurturing talent for the community. The organisation concurs with the University's philosophy of whole person education and highly appreciates its commitment to cultivating students' artistic and cultural attainments as well as their ability of independent thinking. Miss Suen looked forward to close collaboration between NYETT and HKBU in working for the betterment of Hong Kong.
During the visit, Professor Edward Snape, Dean of Business, gave an introduction to the recent developments at the School of Business. The delegation then visited the Academy of Film and the School of Chinese Medicine. They were warmly received by Professor Frank Fu, MH, JP, Associate Vice-President and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation; Dr. Kevin Yue, Associate Director of the Teaching and Research Division of the School of Chinese Medicine; Professor Gordon Tang, Director of Student Affairs; and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement.