HKBU welcomes delegation from The Association of Industries and Commerce of Hong Kong Southern District Limited

24 May 2017
 Founder Chairman Dr. Liu Hong Fai received souvenirs from Prof. Roland Chin
 Dr. Liu Hong Fai delivered a speech
 Dr. Davy Wu gave a presentation on the initiatives of the School of Business
 The delegation visited a broadcast studio at the Department of Journalism
 The delegation toured around the Jewellery Design Studio of the Academy of Visual Arts
 The delegation gained a better understanding of the School of Chinese Medicine’s latest developments
 The guests exchanged views with HKBU representatives during the luncheon

A 12-member delegation from The Association of Industries and Commerce of Hong Kong Southern District Limited (SDCA), led by its Founder Chairman Dr. Liu Hong Fai, JP, paid a visit to the University on 24 May 2017.

Professor Roland T. Chin, President and Vice-Chancellor, extended his warm welcome to the members of SDCA for visiting the University despite their busy schedules. Professor Chin briefed the delegation on the latest developments of HKBU, including the University’s international exchange programmes and service learning initiatives. He looked forward to working closely with SDCA in nurturing more outstanding talents to contribute to society.

In his speech, Dr. Liu Hong Fai said they were delighted to have an opportunity to visit the University again after their last visit in 2012. SDCA was established in 2011 with an objective to promote the industrial and commercial development in Hong Kong and on Mainland China, as well as to provide a wide range of services for the betterment of the Southern District community. Dr. Liu expressed his sincere wish to strengthen ties between the Association and the University and explore possibilities for future collaboration, particularly in the area of youth development.

The visit began with a presentation on the recent developments of the School of Business by Dr. Davy Wu, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accountancy and Law cum Director of the MSc in Corporate Governance and Compliance Programme. The delegation then visited the Department of Journalism, the Academy of Visual Arts and the School of Chinese Medicine. They were warmly received by Dr. Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching & Learning); Mr. Yeung Chee Kong, Associate Vice-President (Engagement); Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation; and Dr. Cicy Ching, Lecturer of the Academy of Visual Arts. A luncheon was hosted by Professor Chin after the visit.