HKBU receives HK$3 million donation from Tin Ka Ping Foundation for service-learning programmes and conference series

The University recently received a generous donation of HK$3 million from the Tin Ka Ping Foundation in support of the “4E Whole Person Servant Leadership Programme” organised by the Office of Student Affairs and the conference series held by the Department of Religion and Philosophy to promote its vision of whole person education.
In celebration of Dr. Tin Ka Ping’s 100th birthday, the Tin Ka Ping Foundation generously donated HK $3 million each to nine universities in Hong Kong to support their academic and student development and their advocacy of the Foundation’s mission that “China’s future lies in education”.
A “Sharing Session on Mainland Service-Learning Projects” was held on 26 January 2018 and was well attended by over 100 guests, students and staff. The Tin Ka Ping Foundation Board Chairman Mr. Tin Hing Sin, Vice Chairman Mr. Tai Hay Lap, BBS, JP and Directors Mr. Tin Wing Sin and Dr. Yuen Pong Yiu officiated at the ceremony with Dr. Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), Professor Ricky Wong, Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) cum Academic Registrar, Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation, and Mr. Tony Chan, Assistant Director of Student Affairs.
Speaking at the Sharing Session, Mr. Tin Hing Sin said that Dr. Tin values the long partnership he has developed with HKBU over the years, and the Foundation shares HKBU’s vision in promoting whole person education. The “4E Whole Person Servant Leadership Programme” and the conference series relating to whole person education will benefit more students, academics and educators.
In his address, Dr. Albert Chau expressed that Dr. Tin is a well-respected philanthropist and an exemplary role model for the young generation. The collaboration with the Foundation is significant as the service-learning programmes on the Mainland enable HKBU students to broaden their horizons and to gain a better understanding of the history, culture and development of Mainland China. It is in line with the Foundation’s mission. On behalf of the University, Dr. Chau expressed the best wishes to Dr. Tin for a very happy birthday and may he be blessed with good health and long life.
The “4E Whole Person Servant Leadership Programme” is a three-year programme that nurtures students to become outstanding 4E leaders, with 4E standing for Explore, Experience, Engage and Educating the Heart. Around 250 students are expected to participate in various service-learning activities each year, benefitting over 5,000 people.