HKBU receives donation from art-at-all to set up Art Futures Fund

24 October 2023

The University recently received a generous donation of HK$200,000 from a non-profit organisation, art-at-all, designated for the establishment of the Art Futures Fund, in support of the Art Futures Awards, Art Futures Residency and Art Futures Initiative. The newly established awards will recognise and reward outstanding art graduates from Hong Kong and across Asia, empowering them to explore and excel in the realms of local and international art practices.

In recognition of the donor’s generosity, an agreement signing ceremony officiated by Mr. Jason Woo, Co-Founder and Chairman of art-at-all, and Professor Johnny M. Poon, Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research) and Founding Dean of the School of Creative Arts, was held on 24 October 2023. Mr. Raymond Chak, Dr. Davis Chan and Ms. Lam Mau, Vice Chairmen of art-at-all; Mr. Kalen Lee, Acting Director of the Academy of Visual Arts (AVA); and Ms. Janet Fong, Research Assistant Professor of AVA and the initiator of the “Art Futures Initiative”, were also present to witness the ceremony.

With a focus on nurturing the next generation of artists with a professional and global perspective, the “Art Futures Initiative” offers not only a monetary prize but also an invaluable opportunity to participate in a residency programme in Hong Kong and showcase their talents through exhibitions.

Thirty finalists across Asia have been selected by the first-round judges. Please click here for details.