Launching Ceremony of “Sun Yat-sen Parks in the World” Database

11 March 2016
 Officiating guests (from left): Professor Clara Ho, Mr. Li Hexie, Professor Rick Wong, Dr. Henry Tan, Professor Frank Fu and Mr. Paul Lee

HKBU held the launching ceremony of the “Sun Yat-sen Parks in the World” Database cum public lectures on 11 March 2016. Officiating at the ribbon-cutting ceremony were Dr. Henry Tan, BBS, JP, Chief Executive Officer of Luen Thai International Group Ltd., Honorary President of the HKBU Foundation, and Vice-Chairman of the Tan Siu Lin Foundation, Honorary President of the HKBU Foundation; Mr Li Hexie, Senior Former Vice President of Luen Thai International Group Ltd. and Secretary General of the Tan Siu Lin Foundation; Professor Rick Wong, Vice-President (Research and Development); Professor Frank Fu, MH, JP, Associate Vice-President and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation; Professor Clara Ho, Head of the Department of History; Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement; and Mr. Paul Lee, Acting University Librarian. 

After the ceremony, Professor Joseph Ting Sun Pao, Honorary Director of the HKBU Foundation and Adjunct Professor of the Department of History of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, delivered a public lecture entitled “On the Establishment and Political Connotation of the Huanghua Gang Commemoration Park”.  The event was well attended by over 100 guests, staff and students of HKBU.

Collaborated by the Department of History and the University Library, the “Sun Yat-sen Parks in the World” Database contains information on 106 Sun Yat-sen parks worldwide. This project was funded by the “Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund” jointly established by Luen Thai International Group Ltd., the Tan Siu Lin Foundation, and the Sun Yat-sen Education and Charity Foundation. Please click here to access the database.

Dr. Henry Tan (centre) received souvenirs
Prof. Joseph Ting (centre) received a souvenir