HKBU Foundation 10th Anniversary Celebration Thanksgiving Reception

21 January 2019
 Chairman Dr. Kennedy Wong and Professor Roland Chin welcomed Dr. Clement Chen (centre), the new Chairman of HKBU Council and Court
 Professor Chin delivered his welcome address
 Chairman Wong expressed his gratitude to Foundation members for their support
 Foundation Certificates were presented to the new Honorary Vice-Presidents
 Guests officiated at the celebration ceremony for the 10th anniversary of the HKBU Foundation

The Thanksgiving Reception of the Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation was held on 21 January 2019 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Foundation and to express its heartfelt appreciation to the Foundation members and friends of the University for their ardent support.

In his welcome address, Professor Roland T. Chin, President and Vice-Chancellor, shared with participants the recent alumni achievements and the University’s latest developments, including the campus development plan. A new hostel and academic building complex on Renfrew Road is expected to be completed in 2023-24 and will provide a total of 1,700 hostel places and 6,900 square metres of academic space. He also thanked members of the Board of Governors, the Entrepreneur Committee, the Young Entrepreneur Committee and the Alumni Committee of the HKBU Foundation, and supporters for their significant contributions to the University’s development over the years.

Dr. Kennedy Wong, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the HKBU Foundation, expressed his deepest gratitude to friends and supporters of the University for their tremendous support towards the sustainable development of HKBU. He said that the Foundation has grown steadily over the years and the number of Foundation members has increased from 131 to 674 since its inception. The Foundation has also raised a total of HK$1.36 billion, providing a solid financial base to sustain the University’s ongoing development.

To express the University’s gratitude to the new Honorary Vice-Presidents, Honorary Directors and Directors of the HKBU Foundation for their generosity, Dr. Wong and Professor Chin presented Foundation Certificates to them at the Reception.

The event was well attended by around 200 guests including members of the Council and the Board of Governors, Foundation members, friends of the University, as well as staff and students. They included Dr. Clement Chen, SBS, JP, Mr. Andrew Yao, BBS, JP, and Ms. Rosanna Choi, Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer respectively of the Council and the Court; Ir Professor K.K. Wong, GBS, JP, and Dr. Justin Chiu, Vice-Chairmen of the Board of Governors; Mr. Sunny Wong, Chairman of the Alumni Committee; Ms. Chloe Suen and Mr. Ivan Wong, Co-Chairmen of the Young Entrepreneur Committee; Dr. the Hon. Moses Cheng, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP, Mr. Billy Hung, Mr. Raymond Kwok, Dr. David Mong, Mrs. Susan So, members of the Board of Governors; Mr. Antonio Chan, Mr. Hung Kwong Yee, Mr. Lam Cheung Chuen, Mr. Wade Lam and Dr. Christina Lee, MH, members of the Entrepreneur Committee; Mrs. Mary Suen, Mr. So Chung Ping, MH, Mr. So Wing Kin and other Foundation members; as well as Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents and Deans of HKBU.