Dr. Justin K.H. Chiu Chairman of Pecan Foundation Limited

As members of the HKBU community, we should give back to our alma mater, no matter how much we donate.  What matters most is the joint participation of all of the alumni, new and old.

Mr. Anthony K.H. Chan Chairman of Chan Hon Yin Couple Charity Trust

Academics and students here are all pragmatic.  Every dollar they receive from donations is spent wisely and cautiously. 

Mr. Cheung On Tak Founder of Cheung On Tak Charity Foundation

Wealth is not the most important thing in life. We should always do good deeds if we are able to do so. God will lead you in deciding which good deeds you should do.

Dr. the Hon. Kennedy Y.H. Wong, BBS, JP Managing Partner of Philip K.H. Wong, Kennedy Y.H. Wong & Co.

To cope with the new challenges of the globalised world, the internationalisation of higher education is an ultimate trend.  Through the Dr. Kennedy Y.H Wong Distinguished Visiting Professorship Scheme, the University can invite world-renowned scholars to be Visiting Professors so that academics and students can benefit from the academic exchange and keep abreast of the latest developments in the international academic arena.

Mr. Franco Cutrupia and Mrs. Pauline Wei Cutrupia President and Managing Director respectively of C.N.T. Limited

We are eager to help the needy, especially the low-income elders in the community, with our humble contributions.  At HKBU’s School of Chinese Medicine, there are advanced facilities and enthusiastic professors who take a scientific approach to promote the development of Chinese medicine. This gives us the confidence to support the Scheme of Chinese Medicine Treatment for Elderly, which provides free Chinese medical services for the elderly with tender loving care.
