67th Anniversary Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service

The 67th Anniversary Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service was held on 6 March 2023 at the University Chapel. The event was organised by the Chaplain Office to commemorate the founding of the University. Professor Ho Kin Chung, BBS, JP, Court Member of HKBU and Director of the Polar Research Institute of Hong Kong, was invited as guest speaker to deliver a thanksgiving message for the occasion. He shared with the participants the good examples set by the Founders and the core values of HKBU as a higher education institution with a strong Christian heritage.
HKBU representatives attending the Service included Dr. Clement Chen, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Council and the Court; Ir. Professor Paul Poon, Deputy Chairman of the Council and the Court; Ms. June Ho, Member of the Court; Ms. So Ching, JP, Member of the Council; Dr. Alex Yu, Member of the Council and the Court; Ms. Christine Chow, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary; Mr. Isaac Liu, Member of the HKBU Foundation Young Entrepreneur Committee; Dr. Vincent Ho, Member of the HKBU Foundation Alumni Committee; Rev. Tse Hung, Chaplain; Professor Kara Chan, Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) of the School of Communication; Professor Henry Fock, Director of Student Affairs and Dr. Kevin Yue, Associate Professor of the School of Chinese Medicine.