Inauguration Dinner of 56th Term Board of Directors of Yan Chai Hospital

21 April 2023

The Yan Chai Hospital Board hosted an Inauguration Dinner of its 56th Term Board of Directors at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong on 21 April 2023. Officiating guests included Mrs. Mary Suen, Chairman of the Board; Mr. Chris Sun, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare; and Mrs. Janet Lee, wife of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR. A number of HKBU Foundation members and friends of the University joined this special occasion. They included Dr. Simon Suen, BBS, JP; Dr. Chloe Suen; Mr. Chan Man Chau, BBS, JP; Ms. Annie Cheung; Professor Alice Chiu, BBS, JP; Professor Justin Chiu and Mrs. Rita Chiu; Ms. Portia Chow; Mr. Hung Kwong Yee; Dr. Charlie Ip; Dr. Maggie Ko; Mr. Lam Cheung Chuen and Mrs. Lam Wong Ching Yuk; Dr. Peggy Lam, GBS, OBE, JP; Professor Lee Chack Fan, GBS, JP; Mr. So Kai Sing and Mrs. Susan So, SBS; Ms. Linda So; Ms. Jacqueline Tong; Mr. Paulman Tse; Ms. Eileen Tsui, BBS, JP; Mr. Jeffrey Wong; Dr. Stanley Yim, BBS, JP; Ms. Veronica Yiu; Ms. Angeline Yiu and Dr. Tang Wai Hung and Miss Michelle Cheong.

Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation; Professor Chan King Cheung, BBS, Raymond R. Wong Endowed Professor in Media Ethics; Dr. Amelia Lee, MH, Associate Dean (Programme Development) of School of Continuing Education; and Dr. Zhang Shi Ping, Associate Professor of School of Chinese Medicine, attended the event on behalf of the University.