HKBU receives HK$10 million donation from Philip K.H. Wong Foundation to establish endowed professorship in geriatric Chinese medicine

24 January 2024
 Mrs. Gertrude Wong (second from right), accompanied by Dr. Kennedy Wong (second from left), presents a cheque to Dr. Clement Chen and Prof. Alex Wai
 Dr. Clement Chen, on behalf of HKBU, presents a souvenir to Mrs. Gertrude Wong and other Foundation Councillors

HKBU recently received a generous donation of HK$10 million from the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation for the establishment of the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation Endowed Professorship in Chinese Medicine (Geriatric Medicine).

In appreciation of the beneficence of the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation, a cheque presentation ceremony was held on 24 January 2024. Officiating at the ceremony were Mrs. Gertrude Wong, Chairman of the Board of the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation; Dr. the Hon. Kennedy Wong, BBS, JP, Councillor of the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation, Managing Partner of Philip K.H. Wong, Kennedy Y.H. Wong & Co. and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the HKBU Foundation; Dr. Clement Chen, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Council and the Court at HKBU; and Professor Alex Wai, JP, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU.

Other Foundation Councillors in attendance included Ms. Ada Wong, JP, Partner of Philip K.H. Wong, Kennedy Y.H. Wong & Co. and Chairman of the Make A Difference Institute; Mr. David Wong, Managing Director of Shanghai Grand Sunfire Property Development Co. Ltd. and Founder and Executive Director of Hong Kong Wine Vault; Mr. John Wong, Executive Director and Vice-Chairman of Raymond Industrial Limited; and Dr. William Chui.

The ceremony was also joined by other HKBU representatives including Professor Lyu Aiping, Vice-President (Research and Development) cum Dean of Graduate School; Ms. Christine Chow, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary; Professor Bian Zhaoxiang, MH, Associate Vice-President (Chinese Medicine Development) cum Hospital Chief Executive, HKBU Chinese Medicine Hospital; and Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement and Secretary-General of the HKBU Foundation.

Dr. Kennedy Wong commended the School of Chinese Medicine at HKBU for its remarkable achievements in teaching and research, highlighting its selection by the Government as the contractor for the service deed for Hong Kong’s first-ever Chinese Medicine Hospital as a testament to its leading position in higher education for Chinese medicine. He said, “In view of the aging global population and the increasing prevalence of geriatric diseases, we have established the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation Endowed Professorship in Chinese Medicine (Geriatric Medicine) through donations. This will drive the institutionalisation and standardisation of Chinese medicine, thereby improving healthcare services for our silver-haired population.”

Professor Wai conveyed his heartfelt gratitude to the Philip K.H. Wong Foundation for its tremendous support of HKBU over the years. He said, “The donation is pivotal in advancing the knowledge and research in the field of geriatric medicine, and it fosters the development of Chinese medicine for the treatment and prevention of geriatric diseases. It will also enhance the provision of quality Chinese medicine services to the citizens of Hong Kong, ultimately benefiting the society as a whole.”

HKBU launched the Endowed Professorships Scheme in 2006. An Endowed Professorship is one of the highest honours that can be bestowed upon prominent academics at HKBU in recognition of their accomplishments and in support of their scholarly endeavours. The Scheme has been enthusiastically supported by visionary donors who partner with the University to advance ground-breaking research and academic excellence in their chosen disciplines for the betterment of humankind.

 Guests attending the cheque presentation ceremony include (from right) Dr. William Chui, Prof. Lyu Aiping, Dr. Clement Chen, Mr. David Wong, Mrs. Gertrude Wong, Dr. Kennedy Wong, Ms. Ada Wong, Ms. Christine Chow, Prof. Alex Wai, Prof. Bian Zhaoxiang, Mr. John Wong and Mrs. Lily Chan