Dr. Ng Tor Tai International House marks its 20th anniversary

11 December 2017
 Mrs. Ng Chu Lien Fan is pleased that NTT has taken the lead in the University’s internationalisation
(From right) Mrs. Ng Chu Lien Fan,
Professor Ng Ching Fai and Mrs. Lily Chan
posed for a photo

 A video featuring the development of NTT is presented during the ceremony
 NTT student residents show their talent

About 230 guests, HKBU supporters, staff, students and alumni celebrated the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Dr. Ng Tor Tai International House (NTT) at its anniversary ceremony cum tea reception held on 4 December 2017.

Among the officiating guests were Mrs. Ng Chu Lien Fan, wife of the late Dr. Ng Tor Tai, and their son Mr. Ng Wai Ki, as well as University representatives including Professor Roland T. Chin, President and Vice-Chancellor; Professor Ng Ching Fai, GBS, former President and President of Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College; Dr. Eddie Ho, Council Member; Professor Clayton MacKenizie, Provost; Dr. Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and Professor Gordon Tang, Director of Student Affairs.

In his welcoming remarks, President Chin extended his heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Ng’s family for their significant contribution to HKBU. He also praised Dr. Ng for his foresight in supporting HKBU to build an international house. Mrs. Ng found it encouraging as NTT has taken the lead in enabling more students to take part in international and cultural exchange, and has become an important facility that helps the University realise its internationalisation goals.

During the event, a video on NTT’s history and development was presented. It also featured various performances such as Guzheng, singing and dancing by NTT student residents from countries around the world.

NTT was established in 1997 to receive visiting scholars and scholars who attend international conferences at HKBU. It now also houses postgraduate students. 

Please click here for more highlights of the event.